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短暂性则是所有先锋者的第三个标志。The third is the transience of all pioneers.

赫斯特在此提醒观众的是生命的短暂。Here Hirst reminds the viewer of the transience of life.

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结果就是一种稍纵即逝的文化,一种随意弃置的文化。The result is a culture of transience and disposability.

易逝性在短时记忆和长时记忆过程中都会出现。Transience can be seen in both short- and long-term memory.

连婴儿也会很快意识到人际关系的短暂无常。Even babies soon become aware of the transience of human ties.

你还会感到生活的无助和生命的无常与无奈吗?You will feel helpless and the transience of life and helpless?

正如主办方给出的解释,展览聚焦于“生命的稍纵即逝”。It highlights, as the program explains, "the transience of life.

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经历过过渡时期的人都知道在北京的住下来的情形。All of us who knew transience understood that what happened in Beijing stayed there.

“希腊古瓮颂”展示了永恒的艺术与短暂的人类热情之间的对比。"Ode on an Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion.

我每天都会提醒一下自己,在所谓人们讲述的虚幻网络中还有她这样一个人,一个让我不舍得忘记的人。I remind of myself every day. her is show in the so-call the transience net. one girl who is i don't want to forget.

势不可当与魅力四射是盖茨作为革新者的两大标志,第三个就是同所有开拓者一样-好景不长了。Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator. The third is the transience of all pioneers.

他深感不安,他看见了,就开始质疑的性质和原因的痛苦和生命的无常性。He was deeply disturbed by what he saw, and began to question the nature and causes of suffering and the transience of life.

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对日本人来说,樱花树不仅象征着清苦简朴的美丽,短暂易逝的伤感,也象征了从容放弃时的大度与优雅。To the Japanese, this tree represents not ascetic beauty, but also transience melancholy, and the honor of graceful resignation.

言语要真实,戢止贪婪,制息怨怒,远离恶行,更须经常不要忘记无常的道理。By always thinking about the transience of your life, you will be able to resist greed and anger, and will be able to avoid all evils.

“瞬间即永恒”的思想内蕴于中,此诗恰彰显了诗人独特的诗学与人生智慧。As a distinctive thought of the poet, " transience means eternity" in this poem represents his poetic wisdom as well as his life wisdom.

舞台是人为设计的象征性缩影,而王庆松正是在他的人间戏剧中突出地揭示了这种稍纵即逝之际。The stage is the symbolic epitome of artifice and it is this very transience that Wang Qingsong predominantly exposes in his human dramas.

新的,有时甚至是互相矛盾的知识层出不穷地涌现出来,其速度之快进一步加深了我们的不安定感和短暂感。The rate at which new and sometimes contradictory information comes at us further contributes to our feelings of instability and transience.

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本文讨论了一般马尔可夫过程轨道常返性及暂留性,得到了一般马尔可夫过程轨道点常返及区域常返的一些判别准则。In this paper, we study the problem of recurrence and transience for the Markov process. Some criteria of recurrence and transience are given.

这种不同在于过去和未来的对比,对于永久的社会和新的变幻无常的社会的对比。In this difference lies the contrast between past and future, between societies based on permanence, and the new, fast-forming society based on transience.

山上气候多变,多云多雾多雨多冰雹,使长白山区的形像变幻无穷,虚幻神秘,迷迷茫茫。In the mountain that climate levity , there is more cloud , mist, rain and hail, enploy Chang Bai montane image without end fluctuate, transience mystery and at sea.