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难道有“向未投保者征税是有益的”的论据吗?Is there a good rationale for taxing the uninsured?

未保险的儿童数量是一个国家的不光彩。The numbers of uninsured children remains a national disgrace.

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没有保险的人还是已经投保者和医疗提供者的负担。The uninsured also are a drag on care providers and people with insurance.

第五部分讨论了未进行保险或未充份进行保险的范围。Part V offers a discussion of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

相反,民主党则关注于未受保人保险覆盖面的扩展。By contrast, Democrats focus on a major expansion of coverage for the uninsured.

该州总人口中没有医疗保险的百分比高于其他任何一州。That percentage of uninsured in its population is higher than in any other state.

但各大企业正在缩小此覆盖面,因而无保人员队伍亦在日益壮大。But businesses are cutting back on coverage and the ranks of the uninsured are growing.

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对于其他人,关键的问题是国会为覆盖未保险的国民花多少钱。For others, the crucial issue is how much money Congress spends covering the uninsured.

无保险和保险不足的美国人在就医时存在壁垒。Background Uninsured and underinsured Americans face barriers to access to medical care.

在职务早期未获健保保障的布利克力认为全面改革已经在逐步进展中。Bleakley, who was uninsured early in her career, views the overhaul as a work in progress.

奥巴马的举措中的一些将提供短期救济未投保和保险额不足的双方。Some of Obama's initiatives will provide short-term relief to both the uninsured and underinsured.

但一些人的医疗保险有期限限制,甚至更多的人因为经济萧条而失业,从而不能享受保险。But some people have lifetime caps and more people are uninsured because of job layoffs in the recession.

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由于缺乏及时的预防措施,未参保者病情恶化,治病需要花更多的钱。For lack of timely preventive measures, the uninsured get sicker than they need to and cost more to treat.

他们反对改革,是因为医疗改革会覆盖没有医疗保险的人群——这正是他们不愿意做的事情。They're against reform because it would cover the uninsured — and that's something they just don't want to do.

据疾控预防中心分析,导致未纳入社保人口数突然增长的原因可能是持续的经济衰退。The spike in the number of uninsured Americans is probably linked to the ongoing recession, according to the CDC.

所以,我告诉银行的业务员,我最好把没受保护的钱从你们银行取出来,在花旗新开一个账户存进去。So, I said to the banker, I had better take that uninsured money out of your bank and open an account at Citigroup.

就在今年,数以千记的目前没有保险的美国人就可以最终拥有医疗保险了。This year, thousands of uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions will finally be able to purchase coverage.

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我想现有的医疗体系没有能力负担额外的五百万或是更多的没有保险或是经济困难的人。I don't think the health care system can bear another five million or more people uninsured and economically fragile.

我想现有的医疗体系没有能力负担额外的五百万或是更多的没有保险或是经济困难的人。I don’t think the health care system can bear another five million or more people uninsured and economically fragile.

实际上这是参议院金融委员会举办的一次圆桌会议,会议议题该体系如何覆盖到未参保的人群中。The event was actually a round-table organized by the Senate Finance Committee to discuss ways to cover the uninsured.