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一个理由是或然率蒙蔽了他们的视线。One reason is that probabilism blinkered their vision.

希望我对理论的这种观点只是因为我狭隘的“大男子主义”。It may well be that my view of theory is blinkered by chauvinism.

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郢人不仅脸上未变,连眼睛都没有眨一下。The Ying man hadn't showed any fear on his face, not even blinkered his eyes.

在这个物质的世上,我们的眼光有限,却对虚假敏感。Enmeshed in this physical world, our souls blinkered by limited horizons, we are susceptible to falsehood.

你的思考层面变得较狭隘,比较无法处理新事物,也比较无法评估风险。You become much more blinkered in your thinking, less able to deal with novelty and less able to evaluate risk.

大学生人格障碍检出率相对偏高,普遍存在着懒惰拖拉、偏狭虚荣、抑郁焦虑、自卑虚荣等不同程度的人格偏差。They generally have personal bias in various degrees, such as laziness, blinkered peacockery, anxiety, depression, and self-abasement.

中国是一个有着动荡的历史的骄傲民族,它毫不掩饰意欲成为超级大国的野心。This blinkered view gets us nowhere. China is a proud nation with a turbulent history, and it makes no secret of its superpower ambitions.

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他不会带有心胸狭隘的历史观,也不会遭受印度政治家们特有短视、情绪化决策所带来灾难的折磨。He does not carry a blinkered vision of history. He does not suffer from the Indian politician's curse of short-term, reactive decision-making.

为庆祝投票胜利,一些立法者抨击美国干细胞政策为“狭隘”的方式造成了“残废”的研究。In celebrating the win, some legislators took a swipe at U. S. stem cell policy, calling it a "blinkered" approach that has "hamstrung" research.

尽管认识到布莱维克的泡泡极度凶残,卡杰斯塔说他曾经见识过同样狭隘的思想。While acknowledging the murderous extremity of Breivik's bubble, Kjaerstad says he has witnessed similarly ideologically blinkered thinking before.

或许是因为思路狭窄的管理者,英国有着企业和政府对事业投资不足的历史,特别是在研发方面。Perhaps because of blinkered bosses , Britain has a history of underinvestment by both business and government, especially in research and development.

把所有的中国人都归结到一个类别上未免有点狭隘吧。讽刺的是这居然来自一个抱怨着相同事情的苏格兰人。Placing all Chinese into the same category is being a little blinkered to say the least. Ironic coming from a Scotsman, who complain about the very same thing.

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弗里德伯格批评的真实目标并非美国的外交政策,而是学术界、商界和政府的中国观察家,他指责这些人镇压不同的观点,并且怀着一种故意的狭隘的乐观主义情绪。The real target of Friedberg's criticism is not U.S. policy but "China-watchers in academia, commerce, and government, " whom he accuses of stifling debate and of "willful, blinkered optimism."