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进入达摩克利斯之剑的子论坛获取更多信息。SEE Sword of Damocles Subforum for more information.

达摩克利斯抬头望见这把利剑时,大惊失色。Damocles looked up and saw that the sword when alarmed.

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有一次,他们在阳光下各持一把剑练习着。Once in the sun holding a sword of Damocles over practicing.

现在这些债务就像达摩克利斯之剑一样悬在人们头上。These bills now hang over people like the Sword of Damocles.

后来,“达摩克利斯剑”就成为“迫在眉睫的危险”的同义语。Later, the "sword of Damocles" to be "imminent danger" synonymous.

不过,这种潜藏的免疫危机是极容易证明的。Yet this immunological sword of Damocles can be easily demonstrated.

他沉湎酒色.醉心财富,妒忌其主人的生活。Damocles loved wealth and pleasure and envied the life of his master.

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海正一把达摩克利斯剑头上的日本人。The sea is now a sword of Damocles over the head of the Japanese people.

对消费者而言,这无疑是悬在头顶上的达摩克利斯之剑。For consumers, this is hanging over their heads on the sword of Damocles.

失业犹如达摩克里斯剑,随时都在威胁着工人。Unemployment, like the sword of Damocles , was always accompanying the workers.

笔者认为,信息披露是特许经营中的“达摩克里斯之剑”。The author holds that information disclosure is the Damocles sword of franchising.

哪个法官都没有认识到这把达摩利件剑正在他们的头上悬着。None of the judges realized that they had this sword of Damocles hanging over them.

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部门可能要裁员的消息让这几个月来每个人都提心吊胆。The likelihood of lay-offs has been a sword of Damocles over the department for months.

没有一位法官认识到这把达摩利剑正悬在他们的头上。A-3. None of the judges realized that they had this sword of Damocles hanging over them.

后防线队长萨内蒂将与德米凯利斯、海因策组成三后卫的搭档。Rear guard line Chief Saneidi with Damocles , Heinze will compose three guards the partners.

由于没有进行政治改革,达摩克利斯之剑依然高悬在政府的头顶。Without political reform, the sword of Damocles is still hanging above the government's head.

次级抵押贷款变成了高悬美国金融市场头顶的达摩克利斯之剑。Secondary mortgage loan becomes the sword of damocles which hung on the top of American finance market.

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她没有充足的休息或睡眠,她无穷尽的“待办的事”就像一把悬挂在头顶上的达摩克利斯之剑。She doesn't get enough rest or sleep and her endless to-do list hangs overhead like the sword of Damocles.

裁员的可能性好几个月来一直使我大难临头的危险。The possibility of being made redundant has been a sword of Damocles hanging over me for several months now.

但将以色列装备安装到沙特阿拉伯战斗机上是不可能实现的,因此英国选择使用Damocles吊舱。But fitting Israeli equipment to a Saudi fighter is a nonstarter, so the British have opted to use the Damocles.