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利己心是最坏的顾问。自私非上策。Self is a bad counselor.

亚希多弗也作王的谋士。Ahithophel was the king's counselor.

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证劵经纪人---投资顾问。Stock broker -- investment counselor.

“那这是个开端,”咨询师说。"That's a start," said the counselor.

在困难时他是个好参谋。He is a wise counselor in time of need.

“告诉我你的情况,”咨询师说。"Tell me the story," said the counselor.

调酒师兼婚姻咨询师。Work as bartender and marriage counselor.

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每年夏天我都当夏令营指导员Every summer I've worked as a camp counselor

顾问上涨蹦跳指责扣头。the counselor bounced up to denounce discount.

他以前是这个支会的副主教。He used to be a Bishop's counselor in this ward.

如果你的孩子的辅导员是士吉欧?What if your child's counselor was a pedophile ?

“为什么他需要休息?”咨询师问。"Why does he need a break?" asked the counselor.

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你还瞪着我,大三辅导员欺负人吗?You stare at me in junior counselor bully people?

我跟顾问约谈要迟到了。I'm late for a meeting with my guidance counselor.

一路路通物流网,您的物流顾问。E66t logistics network is your logistics counselor.

成为一名学校辅导员需要大量的培训。It takes a lot of training to be a school counselor.

李长老以前是旗山分会的副会长。Elder Lee used to be a counselor in the Chishan branch.

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野营者因不服从他们的辅导员而被剥夺了应得的享受。The campers were docked for disobeying their counselor.

王副总理和戴国务委员,欢迎你们再次到来。Vice Premier Wang and State Counselor Dai, welcome back.

心理治疗师不再是优越的智者,判断者,及谘商师。He is no longer the superior wisdom, judge, and counselor.