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用销售用语讲,这叫做“审判结束”。In sales parlance this is a ‘trial close’.

用医药行业的术语来说,它必须是四价疫苗。In drug industry parlance it must be tetravalent.

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一说九个姑娘是沙拉的妹子。A parlance shows the nine girls are the sister of Shala.

在庄稼人文化中,某些说法的通常含义完全改变了。In croppy culture, common parlance is turned on its head.

戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。The ferule is used for conversion, tonsure, ordination and parlance.

用跑步者的行话来说这个叫“撞墙了”,或者叫“撞了”。In runners' parlance this is known as "hitting the wall", or "bonking".

计算机网络用语是现代汉语新词的来源之一。The parlance of computer networks is one source of Modern Chinese neology.

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有可变身为蝙蝠、狼犬、蚊子,或者雾等的说法。BE variable to be bat, german shepherd, mosquito, perhaps fog etc. of parlance.

阿凡达也是个电脑术语,指在虚拟实境中互动地呈现一个人。In computer parlance it's an icon that represents a person in virtual reality or cyberspace.

当然,关于这件悬案,说法颇多,大多是为兔子鸣不平。Certainly hang a case concerning this, parlance rather many, mostly is a rabbit Ming gravamen.

但在中文中,“羊”既可以指绵羊,也可以指山羊,还可以是公羊。In common Chinese parlance "yang" can be interchangeably translated as "sheep", "goat", or "ram".

大量的技术术语会很容易干扰它们,因此,尽量为他们提供一个都能够接受的通俗说法。Shower of technical terms will definitely annoy them. Much as well, give it in the usual parlance.

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在通用的雪茄用语中,“邱吉尔雪茄”是一种长178毫米,直径为18.65毫米的古巴哈瓦那雪茄。In common cigar parlance however, a "Churchill" is a Cuban Havana cigar measuring 178 mm by 18.65 mm.

按旧时的说法,十里画廊到此告一段落。The parlance pressed aforetime, ten inside art gallery arrive this comes to an end for the time being.

但是,它是南京文化的组成部分,不宜以“清凉山文化”称之。However, it is a part of Nanjing culture, and "culture of Qingliang Mountain" is not a proper parlance.

用印度的官方语言来说这样的证据是可怕的“搬弄是非的标志”。In official Indian parlance such proof is grimly referred to as “telltale signs”. It is plainly garbage.

一说九个不死的姑娘是大神沙拉和梅烟所生。她们是那永生不死的姑娘。A parlance shows that the nine immortal girls were born by grand god Yansha and Meiyan. They are immortal.

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可能买的是纯器乐,却被称为"买首歌",但我们不想用那种说法It could be purely instrumental but it's called "Buy a song," But we don't want to use that sort of parlance.

生态中心论的提法忽视了人类的主动性和创造性,有些矫枉过正。The parlance of Zoology-Central ignores the humankinds' initiative and creativity, and may be wrong in some certain.

网络用语作为现代汉语新词新语的来源之一,包含着大量的网络术语。As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology , the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks.