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但现在,印尼的银行开始大发其财了。Now Indonesian banks are coining it.

我的母语是印尼语。My first language is Indonesian Language.

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我是用户从印尼维基来的。I am a user from the Indonesian Wikipedia.

我学习印尼语已经三个月了。I've been studying Indonesian for three months.

他有一个印度尼西亚继父和一个同母异父的妹妹。He had an Indonesian stepfather and half-sister.

是否已向印尼方表示慰问?Has China sent condolences to the Indonesian side?

印尼发生村民冲击警局事件,5人被打死。Indonesian police kill 5 villagers ransacking post.

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印尼官员承认落海人员生还的希望变得越来越模糊了。Indonesian officials conceded hopes were growing dim.

2009年,印尼街在北京成立。In 2009, Indonesian Street in Beijing was established.

猪,雄性有巨大弯麯的犬齿。Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth.

印尼的木雕可以为屋子增加几分神秘。Indonesian woodcarving can make the room a little secret.

印度,印度尼西亚群岛,马来亚群岛和印支中国。India, The Indonesian Islands, Malayan Islands and Indo China.

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从开罗到印度尼西亚的火山口,看这个世界是如何吃路边摊的。From Cairo to Indonesian volcanoes, the way the world eats out.

好了,我想你们已经了解印尼语是值得学习的。Okay, I hope now you can see why Indonesian is worthy to learn.

在印度尼西亚首都雅加达的一家网吧里挤满了孩童。Indonesian children pack into a cybercafe in Jakarta, Indonesia.

他说有个印尼人已经提出要买这座房子。Mr. Abubakar says an Indonesian man has offered to buy the house.

真的吗?她告诉我她感觉这样就像裁缝铺里的印尼老太婆。She told me she felt like an old Indonesian lady in a sweat shop.

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一些极端的例子显示,人们以少说印尼话为荣。In extreme cases, people take pride in speaking Indonesian poorly.

经常在稻田活动的印尼类似雀鸟的小织巢鸟。Small finch-like indonesian weaverbird that frequents rice fields.

印尼政府极力进行游说,要求取消这项禁令。The Indonesian government lobbied strongly for the ban to be lifted.