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茶园过度扩张,使得市场上逐渐供过于求。Overexpansion of tea fields has led to oversupply.

但过度供给意味着价格还将继续下跌。But the oversupply means that prices will keep falling.

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这种情况下,中国的住宅供应过剩也就不足为奇了。In this context, China's housing oversupply isn't surprising.

前面说过,岛上的粮食本来是自给有余的。As indicated before, there is an oversupply of food on the island.

罗伟其说,“另一个原因是今年全国有近七百万毕业生,造成供大于求的现象。”The other reason is the oversupply of graduates, nearly 7 million nationwide.

对供应过剩的忧虑,仍是压制一个高度周期化行业市场人气的最大因素.Concerns about oversupply remain the biggest downer for a highly cyclical industry.

在非洲大陆这个廉价劳动力供大于求的地方,雇佣当地工人似乎并不会引人注目。Hiring locals might seem unremarkable on a continent with an oversupply of cheap labor.

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NAND市场尽管需求持续增加,却一直在饱受价格下跌和产能过剩的折磨。The NAND market has been reeling under falling prices and oversupply despite increasing demand.

另一个风行一时的解释是,并不存在什么流动性过剩,相反,是资产存在短缺现象。Another voguish theory is that there is not an oversupply of liquidity but a shortage of assets.

致宝投资有限公司首席交易员陈思龙亦表示,供应过剩是他的首要忧虑.Alfred Chan, chief dealer at Cheer Pearl Investment, also cited oversupply as his biggest concern.

中心对某种参与者的过剩供应很敏感。The core has been criticized for being so extremely sensitive to oversupply of one type of player.

美国劳工部统计数据散布出,受过大学教育的工作者超量供应。The U. S. Department of Labor statistics sow that there is an oversupply of college-trained workers.

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更糟的是,在金融危机期间,极端的投资增长进一步加剧了供过于求的问题。Worse, the extreme growth of investment during the financial crisis has added to the problem of oversupply.

如果没有出口渠道,持续不断供大于求就会产生毁灭性通缩并削弱中国真正的增长。Without an export outlet, constant oversupply would generate crushing deflation and cripple genuine Chinese growth.

分析师们说,杭州楼盘降价促销表明楼市存在供应过剩,未来可能会扩散至更大的城市。Analysts said the price cuts are an indication that there are oversupply problems which could spread to larger cities.

不过,若DRAM芯片厂商乐观过头且投资过度,该行业仍有可能再次跌回供过于求的窘境.Still, the industry could risk diving back into oversupply if DRAM chip makers are over optimistic and invest heavily.

但另一些人认为,产能利用率迅速升高,加上新投资计画的登场,可能令产业再次陷入供应过剩的恶性循环.But others said fast-rising utilisation rates and new investment plans might point to another vicious oversupply cycle.

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房屋始终供大于求和房屋建筑商信心处于历史低位,表明新屋销售也不会很快复苏。A nagging oversupply of houses and record-low home-builder confidence suggest new-home sales won't perk up soon, either.

现在我们的粮食储备还是在1.5亿吨到2亿吨之间,主要工业品供过于求的局面没有改变。Our grain reserves now total between 150 and 200 million tons. There is still an oversupply of major industrial products.

分析师称,尽管抵押贷款利率和房价处于低位,但房地产市场供应过多正在打压房屋建筑.Analysts said while mortgage rates and home prices were low, an oversupply of houses on the market was weighing on construction.