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香茅草,红咖喱,香菜。Lemon grass, red curry, cilantro.

胡荽和胡荽叶是同一种香料。Coriander and cilantro are the same spice.

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在小碗中混合茶叶和香菜叶。In small bowl, stir together tea leaves and cilantro.

日本的研究人员认为芫荽有助去除这种难闻气味。Researchers in Japan thought that cilantro could help.

尝其咸淡,加入盐、黑椒。Season cilantro sauce to taste with salt and black pepper.

在烤好的比萨上撒上香菜,挤柠檬汁。Garnish the pizza with minced cilantro and a squeeze of lime.

小葱和香菜可以不用,如果个人不喜欢。Green onion or cilantro can be taken out if you don't like them.

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它始终是最好的收获胡荽叶收到螺栓或开花。It is always best to harvest Cilantro before it bolts or blooms.

用糕点刷在盘上画出一道香菜油线。Take a pastry brush and brush a line of cilantro oil on the plate.

有几种沙拉不但添加了芫荽叶酸糖浆还有橙汁糖浆。Several salads have either cilantro lime glaze, or orange glaze added.

把烧好的油连同葱姜蒜一起浇在蒸好的鱼片上,再洒上切碎的香菜。Spoon the oil mixture on top of steamed filets, garnish with cilantro.

通常同时伴以服用最适量的胡荽叶锭剂就可以达到。This can be accomplished by taking an optimal dose of Cilantro tablet.

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从炉上端开锅子,洒上芫荽叶和葱。Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cilantro and green onions.

一些检查人员还对药草香菜也发出了警告。Some investigators are extending the warning to the herb cilantro as well.

胡荽叶是一个非常快速成长的药草可以种植任何地方。Cilantro is a very fast growing herb which can be grown just about anywhere.

从蒸锅中取出鱼片,把剩余的芫荽叶沙司浇在上面即可食用。Remove fish from steamer, drizzle with additional cilantro sauce, and serve.

取小号调合碗一个,将番茄丁、洋葱碎、蒜蓉、芫荽碎和酸橙汁混合在一起。In a small mixing bowl, combine tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro and lime juice.

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加入黄瓜和洋葱,按你的口味加入盐调味,再加入奎奴亚藜和剩余香菜。Add the cucumber and onion, season to taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro.

清蒸新鲜鲈鱼片,加入辣椒、蒜末、香菜末等,并以柠檬汁、鱼露等酱料调味。Diced chili, garlic paste, cilantro and lemon juice sauce over steamed freshwater bass.

清蒸新鲜鲈鱼片,加入辣椒、蒜末、香菜末等,并以柠檬汁、鱼露等酱料调味。Diced chili, garlic paste, cilantro and lemon juice sauce over steam freshwater bass fillet.