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扣打距毛,运动失调,尾偏斜和尾可能松垂。Knuckling at fetlocks, ataxia, tail deviation and tail may be flaccid.

这包括弛缓性和遗忘的大先生的保罗吉亚玛提播放。That includes the flaccid and forgettable Mr. Big played by Paul Giamatti.

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他的呼吸声沙哑,脸色苍白,双腿无力,肚子鼓胀。His breathing was hoarse, his face livid, his limbs flaccid , his belly prominent.

截至2010年4月21日,塔吉克斯坦报告了120例急性弛缓性麻痹病例。As of 21 April 2010, 120 cases of acute flaccid paralysis had been reported from Tajikistan.

当你身心放松感觉良好时,松驰状态的小弟弟看起来比你觉得压力山大时要大些。When you're relaxed and feeling well, your flaccid penis looks bigger than when you're stressed out.

这些天,即使尼古拉.萨科齐总统陪在布什身边也不太可能逆转他虚弱的支持率。The company President Nicolas Sarkozy is keeping these days is unlikely to help reverse his flaccid approval rating.

临床主要表现为四肢对称性迟缓性瘫痪,部分病人有颅神经损害和感觉障碍,严重者合并呼吸肌麻痹。The main clinical situation is all extremital symmetrical flaccid paralysis. A part of patients damaged cranial nerve.

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目的观察振痿方对脑卒中软瘫期肌张力及预后的影响。Objective To observe the influence of Zhenweifang on the muscle tension in flaccid paralysis period and prognosis of stroke.

2009年全球共有9万多例急性弛缓性麻痹病例,其中1606例由野生脊髓灰质炎病毒所致。Globally, more than 90,000 cases of acute flaccid paralysis were reported in 2009, of which 1606 were caused by wild poliovirus.

就全球而言,从及时发现急性弛缓性麻痹病例可以看出,脊灰监测工作已达到历史最高水平。Globally, polio surveillance is at historical highs, as represented by the timely detection of cases of acute flaccid paralysis.

刚果共和国发生急性脊髓灰质炎疫情,已发生120例弛缓性麻痹病例和58例死亡。An acute outbreak of poliomyelitis is occurring in the Republic of Congo, with 120 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 58 deaths.

对于尚未完全由科学家理解的原因,青蛙的鼻子点向上时,它调用出来,落在松弛时的安静。For reasons not yet fully understood by scientists, the frog's nose points upward when it calls out and falls flaccid when it's quiet.

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结论软瘫期针刺脊背腧穴能明显提高躯干的控制功能,疗效明显优于对照组。Conclusion acupuncture at Back Shu- point has a good effection in improving the function of trunk control of flaccid paralysis patient.

极少数患儿会伴有较为严重的合并症,如肺水肿、无菌性脑膜炎、弛缓性麻痹、心肌炎等。In rare cases, patients may have serious Complications, such as pulmonary edema, aseptic meningitis, flaccid paralysis, and myocarditis.

主要表现依次为皮疹、发热、呕吐、颈抵抗、嗜睡、肌阵挛、抽搐、急性弛缓性瘫痪等。The main manifestations included rash, fever, vomiting, neck stiffness, lethargy, myoclonic jerks, convulsion and acute flaccid paralysis, etc.

肥胖的人是超现实主义者,丰满的是自然主义者,浮胖松驰的人是浪漫主义者,干瘦的人是虚无主义者。Fat of the person be a surrealism, plentiful full is a naturalist, float the fat and flaccid person is a romanticist, stem the thin person be a nihilism.

也许是因为我们被宠的无可救药,轻信于在23岁时能找到一份理想工作。Maybe it's because we've been hopelessly coddled and our brains, with their flaccid synapses, have been massaged into thinking we could land our dream job at 23.

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多用于咳嗽、哮喘、胃腹痛、神经痛、痹症、腰腿痛、扭挫伤,皮肤病等。It is suitable for cough, asthma, gastralgia, neuralgia, Bi syndrome, flaccid syndrome, lumbago and pain of the low limb, sprain and contusion, skin diseases, etc.

这可能是因为我们被绝望包围着,我们有着脆弱触角的大脑,被引导着去想象我们可能会在23岁实现我们的梦想。Maybe it's because we've been hopelessly coddled and our brains, with their flaccid synapses, have been massaged into thinking we could land our dream job at 23. Or!

楼下一群酒醉的人们架着一个醉倒的朋友,断续的纸醉金迷——意识里浮潜着一枚真人大小的逐渐失去意识的木偶。Ambient vocals supplied by six drunk punters supporting the flaccid limbs of a friend—a life size marionette drifting in and out of consciousness—in the stairwell below.