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告诉我们有关你们售后处事的情形。Tell us about your post-purchase servicing.

维护刷卡机及打印机。Servicing on Swipe Machine & Barcode Printer.

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这台机器已被关掉进行维修。The machine has been shut down for servicing.

代理还本付息。代理登记开户。Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.

模块化结构,快速的服务领域。Modular construction for rapid in-field servicing.

我被为顾客提供的专业服务深深地吸引了。I'm drawn to the professional servicing of client aspect.

这个男人在维修队工作,他的妻子是个家庭妇女。The man works in a servicing team, his wife is housewife.

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弹簧固定器不能被拆卸维修。The spring retainers are not to be removed for servicing.

请提供Tecnical规格及服务设施。Please provide Tecnical specifications & Servicing facility.

后道包装设备的工程专家,是一家服务性公司。Vokin is an end-of-line packing solution specialist, servicing company.

列车整备是高速铁路保障行车安全的重要工作。Train servicing is the key job for the safety of the high-speed railway.

该平台为卫星设备检测维修提供了一种新的方法。The design recommends a new method to the VSAT equipment test for servicing.

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技工在修理约翰的车子之前,给了他总估价单。The mechanic gave John an estimate of the total cost before servicing his car.

我们是为世界最好、最有前途、业绩最优的客户服务And that we're servicing the best, brightest, bluest-chip clients in the world.

亚特兰蒂斯号STS-125也参与了最后一次哈勃望远镜的维修任务。Atlantis also flew the last HubbleSpace Telescope servicing mission on STS-125.

在维修保养电器设备之前,必须先切断电源。Shut off power before working and servicing on electrical equipment or circuits.

在维修之前,要确保水路已经关闭或者关闭阀已经关闭。Before servicing , make sure the water is turned off or shut-off valves are closed.

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疏水阀应该安装在可以接近的位置和易于维修的地方。Traps should be installed in an accessible position and location for easy servicing.

代理由分配器创建或者从服务于一个应用程序移动到服务于另一个应用程序。Agents are created or moved from servicing one application to another by the dispatcher.

电动车的保养也会相对便宜——没有更换既有和滤清器的必要。Servicing should be a little cheaper for electric – there is no oil or filter to change.