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他的妻子在战略上胜过他。His wife excels him in strategical ly ability.

第四章,推进农业结构的战略性调整。Chapter four, push strategical redressal of agriculture structure.

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购屋行为与建设公司行销策略之研究。House purchasing and real estate company's marketing strategical research.

中国中部崛起迫切需要战略支点。The rising of the central region in China needs strategical support urgently.

寻得突袭的慧眼比战略的原则更为重要。A good eye for smites is far more important than a knowledge of strategical principles.

淋巴结是圆形或豆形的构造,它们被战略性地布置于淋巴管的经路上。Lymph nodes are round or bean-shaped structures strategical ly placed on lymphatic channel.

面向21世纪,高校教师的培训具有特别重要的意义。Facing the 21st century, the strategical significance of training for teachers will be showed.

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不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。without reformation and openning up policy,we can not realize our established strategical goal.

从战略角度思考这一问题,或者制定一个相对完整的重建战略,具有及其重要的意义。At first, we should think it at a strategical angle and constitute a strategy of the reconstruction.

并提出创新、动态联盟、可持续发展等战略推进措施。Proposes some strategical measures as innovation , the dynamic alliance , sustainable development etc.

传统的战略性贸易政策理论是建立在封闭经济基础上的。Traditional strategical trade policy theory is to build what sealing amenorrhoea aid foundation to go up.

本文定位于网络环境中劣构领域知识学习的策略研究。The article is based on the strategical research of learning ill-structured knowledge in the network education.

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在战略状态决定之前,如果我们想要使用影响函数,所有类活的棋子计数为活棋子。If we want to use the influence function before deciding the strategical status, all lively stones count as alive.

振兴东北老工业基地是中央的又一重大战略调整。It is another great strategical readjustment of the central government to rejuvenate the Old Northeast Industrial Base.

汇航国际总部位于深圳“白沙仓库”,拥有自己的车队。Cfi operates his owned trucking team the headquarter is strategical ly located at the hub of shenzhen city "baisha warehouse".

“十一五”期间是我国进入经济结构战略性调整的重要时期。During the 11th five-year plan our country will enter an important period of strategical adjustment of its economic structure.

搞好大庆第三采油厂人力资源开发与管理,适应高速发展和对外开放形势,是公司的战略要求。It is the strategical requirement to get a good development and management of human resource management of Oil Recovery plant No.

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其次,巴菲特投资高盛等公司,并非简单的抄底,而是策略性的投资。Next, Buffett invests and so on companies excellently, simple copies the bottom by no means that but is the strategical investment.

1938年春夏以后,华中日军不断进逼,武汉的战略局势日渐危险。After the spring and summer of 1938, with the Japanese soldiers marching in, the strategical situation of Wuhan gradually become dangerous.

作者提出了成都康宁光缆公司战略性收缩光缆主业,加强营销,积极发展集中多元化经营的战略思路。That is a strategical shrink on the cable business, intensify marketing means and positive development of concentric diversification strategy.