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从哲学上来讲,我是个实用主义者。I'm a, philosophically I'm a pragmatist.

梦想者和实用主义者为幻想与现实问题而斗争不已。The dreamer and pragmatist battle over fantasy versus reality.

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这些讲究实用的市长们以恪守“效果至上”为荣。The pragmatist mayors pride themselves on being result-oriented.

这些是一个灵活的人,一个实用主义者而非理论家的标志吗?Are these the signs of a flexible man, a pragmatist rather than an ideologue?

奥巴马聪明,有感染力,似乎骨子里就是一个始终寻求共识的实用主义者。Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist.

一种说法是,美国领导人是在共同利益基础上追求联盟的实用主义者。According to one school, the US leader is a pragmatist pursuing alliances based on shared interest.

实际建造时他放弃了部分理论,这也意味着他是个实用主义者。He had to sacrifice part of the theory when he actually built it, which is the sign of a great pragmatist.

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我希望被认为是一个实用主义者,我只使用那些可以帮我的东西,忽略那些对我没有用处的东西。I would like to think that I'm a pragmatist and that I will use those things that help me and discard those that don't.

尽管他渴望印度的普通大众能够“胜利崛起”,能够生活在在一个没有种姓、没有阶级、没有剥削的社会里,但他却是实用主义为先。Though he longed for the masses of India to “emerge victorious” in a society without caste, class or exploitation, Mr Basu was above all a pragmatist.

1913年,黄炎培提出实用主义教育学说,对小学普通教育进行改良,使其能切近学生生活实际。Huang Yanpei set forth the theory of pragmatist education in 1913, which reformed the elementary education and made it close to students' actual situation.

作为自由市场的支持者,保尔森长期以来一直受到右翼人士的怀疑,因为他是一位实用主义者,而非思想家,还因为他的环保资历。Mr Paulson, a fan of free-markets, has long been seen as suspect by the right for being a pragmatist not an ideologue, and for his environmental credentials.

通过陈述舒斯特曼个人经历与其思想向实用主义的转变,引出舒斯特曼所推崇的实用主义哲学立场。The point of view of pragmatist philosophy advocated by Shusterman has been explored by the demonstration of Shusterman's life experience and his shift to pragmatism.

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巴拉克奥巴马和约翰麦凯恩都代表了他们各自党派最好的一面。Barack Obama and John McCain both represent much that is best about their respective parties. Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist.

美国实用主义哲学家杜威的艺术观说对当时的艺术造成巨大的冲击,影响着现代美国艺术的发展,改变了美国艺术家的思维方式。The American pragmatist philosopher John Dewey's artistic view has made a great impact on the then art, affected the development of modern USA art, and changed the thinking mode of American artists.