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医生将盘尼西林注射入血液。The doctor injected penicillin into the bloodstream.

什么是导管相关血流感染?What is a catheter-associated bloodstream infection?

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导管相关血流感染能够治疗吗?Can a catheter-related bloodstream infection be treated?

某些化学制品易为血液所吸收。Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

笑可使大脑向血液中释放内啡呔。Laughter causes the brain to release endorphins into the bloodstream.

从某种角度说,“福克兰岛”成了我的一切,甚至融化在了我的血液里。In a way , the Falklands became my life, it even became my bloodstream.

和慢慢啜饮葡萄酒相比,快速饮酒会使酒精更快进入血液。Quick shots of liquor hit the bloodstream faster than slow sips of wine.

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我们可以做哪些来预防导管相关血流感染?What can I do to help prevent a catheter-associated bloodstream infection?

因为口腔细菌进入血流并且流经全身。Because oral bacteria enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body.

“瘦素”是一种能延缓饥饿感的基因,可通过脂肪细胞注入人体血液。Leptin is a hunger-slaking hormone pumped into the bloodstream by fat cells.

身体保留液体只是为了稀释血流中多余的钠。Your body retains fluid simply to dilute theextra sodium in your bloodstream.

氧气分子通过肺叶进入血液中的数量变少。Fewer oxygen molecules cross the tissues in the lungs and reach the bloodstream.

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压力使人呼吸急促,降低血管里的含氧量。Stress causes people to breathe faster and get less oxygen into the bloodstream.

这些腺体的作用是稳定血液中钙质和磷酸盐的含量。The role of these glands is to regulate calcium and phosphate in our bloodstream.

血流中的代谢废物通过腹膜进入透析液。Waste products in the bloodstream pass through the peritoneum into the dialysate.

拨打911并且嚼325毫克的uncoated阿司匹林,让它进入你的血液。Call 911 and chew one 325 mg uncoated aspirin, to get it into your bloodstream fast.

我的观点是,书的营养也必须应该被“吸收到血液”中,才能对你有所裨益。I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.

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这些药物的作用是清除血液中的微丝蚴和杀死成虫。These medicines clear microfilariae from the bloodstream and kill most of the adult worms.

注射到血液中碘的对比,看着它旅行左右。An iodine-based contrast is injected into the bloodstream and watched as it travels around.

催产素也会进入血流去影响远端的组织,因此也是一种激素。It also slips into the bloodstream to influence distant tissues, making it a hormone as well.