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用橄榄油代替润滑剂。Use olive oil as lube.

如果有需要,继续添加润滑剂。Add more lube if needed.

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我们用些润滑油好吗?Can we use a little lube?

请使用润滑油,润滑和更多的润滑Do use lube, lube and more lube

简述了润滑油调合的流体动力学原理。Hydrodynamics principle of Lube oil blending was described.

其供气系统实现线辫剪断和油雾润滑的喷射。It's pneumatic system act the thread- snipping and lube spray.

汽轮机辅助润滑油泵是汽轮发电机组必不可少的辅助设备。The auxiliary lube oil pumps are necessary for turbo-generator.

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在循环光滑油柜内应有刻度尺。The graduated scale to be provided for circulating lube oil tank.

再放一瓶润滑剂和一盒纸巾在你的床边。Also, keep a bottle of lube and a box of Kleenex next to your bed.

买漆弹枪润滑油并且周期的替你的枪上油。Buy some gun oil and lube up your paintball gun on a regular basis.

它是一个好想法周期性地润滑凸轮、轨和轴衬。It is a good idea to lube the cams, axles and bushings periodically.

不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube.

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用于燃油,润滑油,液压油切削油的过滤器。Filters for fuel oil, lube oil, hydraulic power line oil, cutting oil.

如果你是其中之一,那就停下来到润滑油店看看。If you're one of them, stop here and make an appointment at a lube shop.

确保你选择的润滑是安全的避孕套,并有许多备用的。Make sure the lube you choose is condom safe and have lots of it on hand.

常用作聚酰胺树脂合成,热溶胶制造,燃料油,润滑油,压延油,液压油,切削油等的添加剂。Often used in polyamide resin synthesis and as a filler of fuel oil lube.

所以再次,润滑油自己之前改变了您的IMEI考虑。So once again, lube yourself up well before considering changing your IMEI.

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一种复合脱酸溶剂被用于润滑油馏分的脱酸实验。Deacidification test for lube distillates by a compound solvent was introduced.

清洗时更深入的粘土限制,只能使用粘土润滑油,从不洗发水和水。For deeper cleaning when clay barring, only use Clay lube and never shampoo and water.

与T803B复配后,对石蜡基油也有较好的降凝效果。It also has an excellent effect for paraffin-base lube oil after compounded with T803B.