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给他留好了个位置。Give him a position.

竹位时。When bamboo position.

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我理解你的立场。I realise your position.

那种立场是荒唐的。That position is absurd.

是该职位招到人了吗?Was the position filled?

现在船位在哪里?What is our position now?

什么是文昌位?。What is the Study Position?

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就必须放低自己的姿势。Have to lower their position.

它有一个初始位移It's got an initial position.

将扣击板安放在B-柱上。Position striker on B-pillar.

选择装订的位置。Select the stapling position.

多少人同意比尔•巴尔格的立场?the position of Billy Bulger?

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你现任嘅职位系?D6. What is your job position?

人人都争地位。Everybody fights for position.

他在银行谋得一个职位。He got a position in the bank.

请问供应情况如何?How about the supply position?

他们用杠杆把它推至定位。They levered it into position.

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这是世博园区的导游图,您目前的位置是在这里。This is your current. Position

你为什么想要这个职位?Why do you want this position?

你可以在任何姿势下进行。You can do it in any position.