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纽黑文住下来。In New Haven.

在纽海文吗In New Haven?

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有些同学还没有做完。Some of us haven t finished yet.

美国国债是安全的避风港。US Treasuries are the safe haven.

然而,科先生的课堂却是避风港。But Mr. K’s classroom was a haven.

价值高的船舶稽留在躲避风港里的时间长。A dear ship stands long in the haven.

那是什么我根本就不知道。I haven ' t the foggiest idea what it is.

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恐怖分子在这里将找不到安身之处。Terrorists will not find a safe haven here.

一个自由的伊拉克将不会为”基地组织”提供庇护所。A free Iraq will deny al-Qaida a safe haven.

真心觉得自己还没开始睡觉就要起床了。It really feels like you haven t even slept.

这事曾深深地震动过我。These incidents haven shaken me to the core.

后来,他就读于耶鲁大学在纽黑文。Later he attended Yale University in New Haven.

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就连黄金价格也出现下跌,不再是安全避风港。Even gold was a safe haven no more as prices fell.

日本如何变成拐带儿童的天堂?How Did Japan Become a Haven for Child Abductions?

耶鲁和纽黑文附近有流浪汉。There's homeless people around Yale and New Haven.

高收益股票能否突然成为一个避风港?Can high-yielding equities suddenly be a safe haven?

我恋家,因为家是最好的避风港。I long for family, because family is the best haven.

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IBM公司的销售业务相当于一个保守秘密的极佳庇护所。IBM's marketing can be a haven of well-kept secrets.

你站在纽海文的街角You're standing on a street corner here in New Haven.

大量灰色收入在寻找安全的避风港。A massive amount of gray income is seeking safe haven.