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立威廉是个好心的艺人。Leon Williams is a kind artiste.

我要如何联络你艺人的资料?How can i update you with Artiste data?

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每个艺人都应该学的。Every artiste should learn to be like her.

我会为你祈祷,愿你成为一位最棒的艺人。I will pray for you to be a great artiste.

我从来都没有那么喜欢过一个艺人。I have never liked any artiste so much before.

刘德华是我小时候很喜欢的一位艺人。Andy Lau is an artiste I admire in my younger days.

现在我是一个艺人,我的生活有了很大的转变。Now I am a pop artiste and how my life has changed.

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影视红星周星驰先生参观展览厅。Renowned artiste Mr Stephen CHOW visits the Exhibition Hall.

虽然有其他艺人一起住可是我有自己的房间!Though there are other artiste in it. but i had my own room!

最后,你也能知道哪些艺人的生日是在同一天的。You can also check which artiste birthdays is on the same day.

一位事业已经如日中天的成功女艺人,还有谁不认识的呢?Who doesn't know this successful artiste whose career is at its prime?

新加坡艺人林俊杰被任为新加坡在大中国区的旅游大使。Singapore artiste JJ Lin has been appointed the new tourism ambassador to Greater China.

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1999年被电视台监制发掘,后来成为全职艺人。Became a full-time artiste after being discovered by a television executive producer in 1999.

学校将不保证参赛者在接受培训后会成为艺人。There is no guarantee that those who have been selected and groomed will be confirmed as an artiste.

我已经有3年的时间没有去马来西亚了,但是这次是我当艺人后第一次到马来西亚。It has been 3 years since my last trip to Malaysia but it was my first time going there as an Artiste.

更何况,我是在台湾偶像剧中担任主角的第一位马来西亚艺人。After all, I was the first Malaysian-born artiste to appear in a leading role in a Taiwanese idol-drama.

我母亲很希望成为一名艺人,但她的愿望没有实现,所以希望在我身上实现。My mother hoped very much to become an artiste but her wish was not fulfilled, so I hope I can realise it for her.

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担心自己人气减退,艺人们在军中也许过著度日如年的日子。Those enlisted artiste who are apprehensive about their loss of popularity may feel that their MS is long and draggy.

它是一个香港歌手的化妆师推荐给我的,然后我又发现另一个台湾歌手也在用同样的产品。I was recommended to use it by a HK chanteuse 's make up artiste and found out that another TW chanteuse uses the same product.

尽管比伯还年轻,未来还在前方等着他,但是现在当我们看到这位优质,积极的小艺术家也是充满了无尽欢欣的。Will, he is still young, the future is waiting for him. But we are delighted to regard him as a positive and talented young artiste.