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最初在卡诺州向农场主付款。Payment has been made to farmers, initially in the state of Kano.

就在18个月之前,卡诺曾是1型脊髓灰质炎的全球焦点。Even 18 months ago, Kano was the global epicentre of type 1 polio.

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嘉纳治五郎教授于1882年将柔道创立成一项现代体育运动。Judo was established in 1882 as a modem sport by professor Jigoro Kano.

托鲁·卡诺和梅·欧卡达都来自长崎,在伦敦上学时认识的。Toru Kano and May Okada are both from Nagasaki and met each other at school, in London!

其它部分取自数年以前在Kano市附近坠毁的一架波音747的残骸。Its other parts come from the carcass of a Boeing 747 which crashed near Kano some years ago.

柔道运动是嘉纳治五郎在19世纪80年代创立的,并且在1964年的东京奥运会上成为奥运会比赛项目。Developed by Dr Jigoro Kano in the 1880s, the ort broke into the Olympic Games in 1964 at Tokyo.

这些技术包括“模式审查”、“模式评分”、“相对重量”以及“卡诺分析”等等。These techniques include "Theme Screening", "Theme Scoring", "Relative Weighting", and "Kano Analysis".

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已报告在邻近卡诺州有家禽死亡,但是尚未确定原因。Poultry deaths in the adjacent province of Kano have been reported, but the cause has not yet been determined.

他是荣誉法官协会的会员,也曾任职卡诺州司去服盼临时委员会。He is a member of the Honourable Body of Benchers and has served on the interim judicial service committee of Kano State.

迈杜古里尼日利亚东北部一个城市,位于卡诺以东。是乍得湖地区的皮革加工中心。人口225,100。A city of northeast Nigeria east of Kano. It is a leather-processing center in the Lake Chad region. Population, 225, 100.

以尼日利亚北部的卡诺州而言,五年之前,该州已经暂停所有的脊灰免疫活动达两年之久。Take the state of Kano in northern Nigeria. Five years ago, this state suspended all polio immunization campaigns for two years.

卡诺一些地区的居民表示,周日早上,士兵打击伊斯兰好战分子时,他们听到了爆炸声和枪声。Residents in some parts of Kano said they heard explosions and gunfire as the soldiers fought Islamist militants on Sunday morning.

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尼日利亚军队表示,今天下午突袭北部城市卡诺一栋建筑时,他们击毙了伊斯兰反叛组织“博科圣地”14名可疑成员。Nigerian troops say they've killed 14 suspected members of the Islamist rebel group Boko Haram in a raid on a building in the northern city of Kano.

在卡诺州,20个地方政府地区已受感染,在2岁以下儿童和60岁以上老人中病死率最高。In Kano State, 20 local government areas have been affected with the case fatality rate highest among those less than 2 years of age and over 60 years of age.

在科隆博士创造的服务位阶图三层次理论指导下实施医院感动服务。ObjectiveTo carry out the "moving service" in hospital according to the service rank chart developed by Dr. Kano under the guidance of the three levels theory.

鹿野说,除了派遣一艘船,日本政府打算制定其他措施,以保护捕鲸船队免遭环境保护主义者攻击。Kano said that in addition to sending a ship, the Japanese government intends to introduce other measures to protect the whaling fleet from environmentalists attack.

从KANO模型、MOSTER模型、四分图分析模型到各种顾客满意度指数模型,为顾客满意度测评的成功实施打下基础。Various models, including KANO model, MOSTER model, four paradigm analysis model and customer satisfaction index model, provide the base for success of customer satisfaction testing.

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在过去一年中,卡诺埃米尔已两次发动了计划免疫活动,他出现在国家媒体的面前,为他的孙子接种疫苗,并要求卡诺的公民效仿。Twice in the past year, the Emir of Kano has launched two immunization campaigns by standing in front of the state's media, vaccinating his grandson, and calling on Kano's citizens to do the same.