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一个人进了家戏装店。A guy goes into a costume shop.

和服是日本的民族服装。Kimono is Japan's national costume.

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伯特·拉尔的演出服重90磅。Bert Lahr's costume weighed 90 pounds

从某种程度上说,叶芝常作此装扮。In a way, Yeats is always in costume.

我们将举行创意服装秀。We will have a creative costume show.

她著一身色彩艳丽的服装参加宴会。She wore a gaudy costume to the party.

你在这里怎么穿着戏服呢?Why are you here wearing that costume?

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和服是日本的国服。Kimono is the national costume of Japan.

于是他拿起了自己的服装道具去了。So he took his costume and away he went.

等下穿南瓜装如何性感?。Wait, how can a pumpkin costume be sexy?

电影戏服中很少有比这更稀罕的了。Film costume rarely gets better than this.

今晚的化装舞会你会去吗?。Are you going to the costume party tonight?

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服装设计,这是纯属岂有此理!Design a costume that is purely outrageous!

有朋友邀请我去参加化妆舞会。A friend once invited me to a costume party.

她想让我给她做件公主裙衣。She wants me to make her a princess costume.

小丑戴着一个假鼻子。The clown wore a monstrously absurd costume.

吉尔们身穿传统的“吉尔”式样的服装。Gilles dress in the traditional Gille costume.

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阿尔贝得意扬扬地穿着他那件小丑服装。Albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume.

服装设计,这是纯属岂有此理!EG. Design a costume that is purely outrageous!

我正打算给自己买一件唐装呢。I am going to buy a Chinese costume for myself.