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它是1998年出的大众捷达。It's a 1998 Volkswagen Jetta.

我们感觉得到你是好的,大众。We feel the good in you Volkswagen.

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一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag.

大众兔热硬启动。Volkswagen Rabbit "heat" hard to start.

大众汽车有一则广告很不错。There's a really great one for Volkswagen.

只有现代和大众比丰田更出色。Only Hyundai and Volkswagen did better than that.

张仪开的是一款大众的小型车,但现在想换辆好的。He drives a small Volkswagen now and wants to upgrade.

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这支团队努力的结果就是大众途锐。The result of their efforts is the Volkswagen Touareg.

大众汽车或许强大,但不要以个头称英雄。Volkswagen may be big, but judge them not by their size.

就像你知道的那样,大众汽车已经沦落进了黑暗势力。As you well know, Volkswagen has given in to the Dark Side.

大众系列,日本车系,韩国车系。Volkswagen Series, Japan car series, South Korean car series.

大众公司也首次推出其顶级豪车辉腾。Volkswagen also is debuting its own ultra-luxury Phaeton sedan.

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大众在经济型轿车中唯一提供了柴油版轿车。Volkswagen offers the only diesel in this economy-car category.

福斯德嘴角露出了一丝微笑。The Volkswagen virtuous edge of mouth peeped out one silk smile.

这家公司是本地大众汽车零件的配销商。The company is the local distributor for Volkswagen spare parts.

现在,大众公司发布了临时自动驾驶仪科技。Now Volkswagen has presented its Temporary Auto Pilot technology.

大众汽车宣称,他们想要成为对环境最友好的汽车公司。Volkswagen claims to want to be the most eco-friendly car company.

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德国大众汽车集团将在中国扩大产能。The Volkswagen Group is expanding its production capacities in China.

大众还计划到2013年在中国推出几款电动汽车。Volkswagen also plans to launch several electric cars in China by 2013.

明天汽车行业的领军企业会是上海汽车、丰田、还是大众?Will the pioneers of tomorrow be Shanghai Auto or Toyota or Volkswagen?