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但同时他又扰乱安定。But he also fomented instability.

水可以作为不稳定性的象征。Water may serve as a type of instability.

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失去儿子造成了她情绪不稳定。Losing the son caused instability of her mood.

这应该可能是多方向的不稳定所造成的。It may be caused by multidirectional instability.

见到无常、苦和无我。Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood.

菲律宾在1946之后面临政局不稳定。The Philippines faced political instability after 1946.

但是有韩志杰在一天,他的金椅便坐不稳。But Jeff han in one day, his gold chair sit instability.

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在此过程中,没有线性失稳的迹象。The linear instability phases is not found in the process.

这意味着一种运动和不稳定感。This meant a sense of movement and a sense of instability.

龙卷风产生于强烈不稳定的积雨云中。Tornadoes have a strong instability in the cumulonimbus of.

我们的能源使用模式造成了地缘政治的不稳定。Our patterns of energy use create geo-political instability.

如果过短,将会发生不稳定和过分反应。If it is too short, over-reaction and instability will result.

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也许盖达跨越利用,加剧了不稳定。Maybe al Qaeda leaps to exploit and aggravate the instability.

水平侧向力会导致自旋导弹不稳定飞行。Horizontal side force may cause instability of spinning missile.

动乱已经波及了以前和平安宁的省分。Instability has spread to a number of previously benign provinces.

这就会造成思想混乱。That would lead to ideological confusion and political instability.

这就于你自身产生了风险,以及生活中的不稳定性。This created insecurity within yourself and instability in your life.

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由此导致了井壁失稳的发生。Furthermore, it results in the occurrence of the borehole instability.

应变率增加使断层.弹性岩石系统容易发生失稳回跳。Larger strain rate can lead to snap-back of instability of the system.

边坡内侧节理面是构成潜在滑动面的主要因素。The joint plane is the most important factor for instability of slope.