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但是仍然没有道歉。But still no apology.

我欠你一个道歉。I own you an apology.

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他咕哝着道歉。He grunted an apology.

他用沙哑的声音低声道歉。He croaked his apology.

他的歉意是出自内心的。His apology was sincere.

接受我的道歉吗?。Reconsidered my apology?

不要等别人来报歉。Don't wait for an apology.

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它们向鲁道夫道歉了吗?Where's Rudolph's apology?

做出具体的道歉。Make your apology specific.

男孩咕哝著说了声对不起。The boy grunted an apology.

他啜泣着表示歉意。He blubbered out an apology.

她哭着说了道歉。She blubbered out a apology.

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大会议程首先是向来宾致欢迎辞。I have to begin with an apology.

这个实在不成其为羹汤。This is a mere apology for soup.

我们收到了一封致歉信。We received a letter of apology.

他只是个徒有虚名的游侠罢了。He is poor apology for a paladin.

她给他寄了一封道歉信。She sent him a letter of apology.

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他是个滥竽充数的演员。He is a poor apology for an actor.

但是陈冠希已经做出道歉。But Chen has since made an apology.

我为这次担搁向你道歉。I owe you to apology for the delay.