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这是小角度的近似值。It is small-angle approximation.

沃格尔近似法?。VAM? Vogel' s Approximation Method?

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总之,这是近似值。And this is an approximation anyway.

那么这是稳态近似。So this is steady state approximation.

这是个很好的近似值。That is a very, very good approximation.

这个近似叫做斯特林近似。And that's called Stirling's approximation.

取近似值,非常好。The approximation is really amazingly good.

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是讽刺波恩-奥本海默近似值的。It's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

这就是偏导的近似值。And that is an approximation for partial derivative.

因而布朗克定律可以作为一个较好的近似计算。Thus Planck's law can be used as a good approximation.

我们利用角度的近似值,来取得成功。We used the small angle approximation to make it work.

这会是稳态近似。And this is going to be the steady state approximation.

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但是,如果你固定了一个点,就能得到线性近似。But, if you fix a point, then we have linear approximation.

大致近似于纸风车上的双重螺旋线。A rough approximation would be the dual spirals in pinwheel.

龙清远一步一步向林小婉逼近。Long Qingyuan step by step to the Lin Xiaowan approximation.

理想气体定律结果,就是一个很好的近似。The ideal gas law may turn out to be a very good approximation.

这是唯一一种保持对于该二项式的正态近似的方法。It is the only way to keep normal approximation to the binomial.

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单精度数值存储实数数值的近似值。Single-precision numbers store an approximation of a real number.

连分数方法是一种逐步逼近的数值计算方法。The link-fraction approach is a kind of successive approximation.

有关于稳态的问题吗?,在我们进行下一个近似前。Questions on steady state, before we go to the next approximation.