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确保选择不咸的品种。Be sure to choose the unsalted variety.

一个不加盐软奶酪从母羊'牛奶。An unsalted soft cheese made from ewes' milk.

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如果你以前喜欢吃薯条,试着吃些不加盐的花生或未加工的杏仁。If you normally snack on chips, try unsalted peanuts or raw almonds.

紫菜含丰富的碘质,宜选取日本出产、没有加盐的一类更适合。Seaweed is rich in iodine. Unsalted seaweed originated from Japan are preferred.

并用新鲜的水去煮--不添加任何佐料,直至豆类变得软熟。Cook them in fresh unsalted water with no seasonings at all until they are tender.

放进滚沸的清水里,慢煮一小时。沥乾放凉。Put them in a kettle of boiling, unsalted water, cook gently for one hour, drain and cool.

不含盐花生酱加上5毫克钠,将获得极佳的钠钾比例。Unsalted peanut butter, with 5 milligrams of sodium, has a terrific potassium-to-sodium ratio.

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一些本身带盐的食品加工过程中未添加盐。Unsalted or no salt added. No salt is added during processing of a food that normally contains salt.

一个不加盐软白干酪自行送达或咸味或甜馅饼使用,就像Mizithra。An unsalted soft white cheese served on its own or used in savoury or sweet pies, just like Mizithra.

未黄油的保质期大约3个月内冷藏,因为它不含有防腐剂。Unsalted butter has a shelf life of around 3 months refrigerated because it contains no preservatives.

将蚕豆与1茶勺橄榄油倒入清水中煮沸,直至蚕豆变软,约需6到8分钟,取出沥水。Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.

倒一茶匙的油在烧开的无盐开水中煮蚕豆,直到它们便软,6到8分钟,然后弄干。Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.

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番茄含有丰富的维他命C,无盐,可以预防乳腺癌和男性前列腺癌。Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and unsalted help in preventing breast as well as prostate cancer in men.

如果你开车上班,在车中备一些健康的小零食,比如水果干,无盐干果和一瓶水。If you drive to work, keep healthy snacks in your car, such as dried fruit, unsalted nuts, and a bottle of water.

但是,我发现我吃一块面包健康干杯与有机榨菜少许牛油它平静我最好。However, I've found that for me, eating a piece of health bread toasted with a little organic unsalted butter on it calms me best.

禁了蔬菜,低脂奶酪串枝,或少数几个未坚果,帮助您避免停车甜或脂肪的小吃。Cut-up vegetables, low-fat string cheese sticks, or a handful of unsalted nuts to help you avoid stopping for sweet or fatty snacks.

水果、天然蔬菜和低脂蘸酱、低脂全麦薄饼、无盐爆米花或脆饼、明胶或低脂酸奶都可以尝试。Try fruits, raw veggies and low-fat dips, low-fat whole-grain crackers, plain unsalted popcorn or pretzels, gelatin, or low-fat yogurt.

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水果蔬菜的量要占到整个盘子的一半,颜色尽量丰富些,可以把水果、蔬菜以及无盐坚果当零食making half of their plate fruits and vegetables, including a variety of colors and eating fruits, vegetables, or unsalted nuts as snacks

选择富含蛋白质的食物,包括海鲜,瘦肉,家禽,鸡蛋,豆类,大豆类产品和无盐的坚果和种子。Choose a variety of protein foods, which include seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds.

一个周国人怀中踹着一只死老鼠,问一个郑国商人是否愿意买自己的“璞”。One time, a people of the state of Zhou, with an unsalted mouse in his pocket, asked a person from the state of Zhen whether he wanted to buy a "Pu".