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那些美好而忧伤的记忆。The beautiful and dolorous memory.

哀恸的领唱人的声音向哀伤的祷告者呼唤。The voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer.

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带著伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。With a broken-hearted smile he lifted a pair of dolorous eyes.

带著伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。With a broken-hearted smile, he lifted a pair of dolorous eyes.

只见到悲伤之镇哀悼者徘徊踯躅。But the dolorous town where mourners are going about the street.

我猜他和鳄鱼有着很长而忧伤的坦率交流。I suspect he had a long and dolorous heart-to-heart with a crocodile.

如果心情是忧郁的话,即使回忆的内容是那麽的开心,也是忧伤的。If you are sad at the moment, even it was happy in your mind , but you are dolorous. So.

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所以,在这里,我希望所有忧伤的事都会过去,所有开心的事每天都会围绕着你!So, in the here, I hope all dolorous things are past, all happy things around you every day!

她在那牵肠挂肚的惦记中,在那圣洁无私的呵护中,在那无怨无悔的奉献中。Her in that feel dolorous of caring, in the holy and selfless care, in the regrets dedication.

想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。Missing you is the beautiful dolorous sweet disconsolate, in the heart, but it is the warm without any words.

枕头撞到墙上破裂开来,填料四处飞散,就在这时艾迪托雷特的脑袋从门口探了进来。The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door.

它们或许可以作为来某个历史学家著作的脚注,为悲哀的汽车编年史增加点轻松的趣事。They may possibly serve as footnotes to the work of some future historian, lightening a little the dolorous annals of the automobile.

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那些怀着悲苦的心灵举起了意念手臂的人,渴望以伸展的虔诚留住一句神语。Those people who lifted up arms of sensation with dolorous hearts yearned for retaining a sentence of words from God with stretching devoutness.

我遭遇的每一次失败都如同狗吃屎一样衰,在失败中成长,使得我成长为了今天的男人。I realized that, even though I experienced every failure as a dolorous event that slammed me on the ground, every one of them helped me in the long term to become the man that I am today.