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上帝是没有尊重的人。God is no respecter of persons.

死神不问贫富,一视同仁。Death is no respecter of wealth.

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她从来不尊重传统。She's no respecter of tradition.

我们的主并不偏待人。Our Lord is no respecter of persons.

上帝对任何人都一视同仁。God or Life is no respecter of persons.

我说,我还太年轻,难以理解上帝为什么不一视同仁。I say I am yet too young to understand that God is any respecter of person.

我说,我还是太年轻,无法理解上帝会待人有别。I say I am yet too young to understand that God is any respecter of persons.

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彼得就开口说,我真看出神是不偏待人。Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons

那些死去的人不可能安息下来,因为他们被挤压、拥塞着,在其他人的尸骨中快要窒息了。The catacombs are no respecter of peace, and it would be impossible for these civilians of the past to rest while crushed and crammed, suffocating amongst a nother's bones.

彼得就开口说,我真看出神是不偏待人的,各国中那敬畏祂,行义的人,都为祂所悦纳。And opening his mouth, Peter said, In truth I perceive that God is not a respecter of persons, But in every nation he who fears Him and works righteousness is acceptable to Him.