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使用这款惠尔通装饰,扮靓您的蛋糕只是几分钟的事情。With Wilton Toppers, a decorated cake is just minutes away!

用这款惠尔通插片,扮靓你的蛋糕只是几分钟的事。With Wilton toppers, a decorated cake is just minutes away!

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这里有一个麦田圈的照片,来自几天前的威尔特郡。Here is an image of a Crop Circle image from Wilton Windmill from a few days ago.

第一款是我上威尔顿蛋糕装饰课的时候所做的毕业作品。The first one was made as a graduation work for the Wilton cake decorating class.

晚上,威尔顿夫人和她的两个孩子坐在漆黑的厨房里。As the night closed in, Mrs. Wilton and her two children sat in the darkened kitchen.

正是在1929年是杜威麦金利威尔顿第一次开始教现在著名的“威尔顿方法”。It was in 1929 that Dewey McKinley Wilton first began to teach the now-famous "Wilton Method".

我由威尔顿米尔斯先生---你们的供应商之一得知贵公司有一销售代理空缺。Wilton Mills one of your suppliers, that there is an opening in your company for sales representative.

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在此之前,威尔顿领导着诺顿罗氏澳大利亚代表处负责交易和股本市场的团队。Prior to his move, Wilton was the head of the transactions and equity capital markets group for Norton Rose Australia.

太平地毯-大型高档地毯制造企业,中国地毯行业唯一香港上市公司。Tai Ping Carpets-Carpets manufacturer in China Handtufted Carpet, Axminster Carpet, Machine tufted Carpet, Wilton Carpet.

这项教育方针体现在今天的大大扩展威尔顿学校教员,课程和先进技术。This educational approach is embodied in today's greatly expanded Wilton School faculty, curriculum and advanced techniques.

一个基于“世界上最美数学定理”的离奇怪圈出现在威尔特郡一架风车旁边的田里。The complex disc, which measures 300ft across, appeared to the east of Wilton Windmill near Marlborough in a blazing yellow rape seed field.

释放翻唱歌曲专辑的想法来自一个游戏的名称,即兴的吉他手迈克尔威尔顿斯通会期间播放声音检查。The idea to release an album of cover songs came from a game of "name the riff" guitarists Michael Wilton and Mike Stone would play during sound checks.

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常州环球地毯制造有限公司是专业生产高档阿克敏斯特地毯和威尔顿地毯的全国著名地毯企业。Changzhou Around Globe Carpet Manufacture Co. , Ltd. is one of a famous carpet manufactory which mainly produced high quality AXMINSTER and WILTON CARPET in China mainland.

威尔顿公园是英国外交联邦事务部的独立学术机构。它组织政策讨论会和举办关注敏感和紧迫世界时事的活动。An academically independent agency of the British Foreign &Commonwealth Office, Wilton Park organises policy conferences and other events addressing sensitive and pressing world issues.

织造设备采用幅宽4米的具有九十年代国际先进水平的韦尔顿CRM72剑杆织机,顺利地完成了8支纱的纺制。The weaving equipment Wilton CRM72 arrow shaft loom with the width of 4m has reached the international advanced level in 1990s & can be used to finish spinning 8 count yarns successfully.