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远在地壳之下。Far ' neath the earth crust.

一些海鲜和锅巴。Some seafood and fried rice crust.

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周围的硫化银呈皮壳状、放射状。Crust or radial shape of silver sulphide.

倒入9英寸的铺好馅饼皮的烤盘里面。Line a 9-in. pie plate with bottom crust.

将外面的蛋糕皮混合物卷成一团。Roll the crust mixture into a round shape.

她竟有脸请求我的原谅。She had the crust to ask me for an excuse.

面皮是用上好的淀粉做成的。The crust was made of high-quality starch.

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地震是一种灾害性的地质事件。Earthquake is a disaster event in Earth crust.

你这样做会滑倒弄破皮的。You may slip and burst your crust by doing so.

玄武岩红土壳具帝状结构。Lateritic crust of basalts is of zonal texture.

锅巴成为中国一种流行的点心。Rice crust is becoming a favorite food in China.

搭配羔羊肉片佐以薄荷或迷迭香十分美味。Seared lamb fillet with a mint and rosemary crust.

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用餐匙将冰淇淋混合物放进做好的馅饼皮儿里。Spoon ice-cream mixture into ready-made pie crust.

密度小的物质向上浮动并形成一层皮。Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust.

我试着使用全谷物的面皮,这样使它更加有益健康。I try to make it healthier with a whole grain crust.

薄底香脆美味,厚底弹性十足。Thin crust crisp dainty, Thick crust soft and crispy.

这片黄色的外皮是海绵,属于海绵动物门。This yellow crust is a sponge, in thephylum Porifera.

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然后出现水疱,水疱会破裂,结痂。Blisters form, rupture, then crust over before healing

中国西部地壳处于地壳均衡状态。The crust in western China is in the state of isostasy.

那麽对于居住的地方,远在地壳之下。Then for a dwelling place, far ' neath the earth crust.