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荣安选的是狗。Rong election is a dog.

这次选举是一场骗局。The election is a fraud.

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他以压倒优势当选。He swept in the election.

比阿特丽斯赢了这次选举Beatrice won this election.

大选等于是在9月15日就结束了。The election ended Sept. 15.

现在选举已成为陈迹。The election is history now.

同意对法官实行选举。Agreed on election of judges.

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中期选举日是下周二。Election Day is next Tuesday.

他决定参加竞选。He chose to run for election.

关于选举咱们来打个赌吧。Let's make a bet on the election.

他们发动了竞选活动。They initiated an election campaign.

澳门立法院选举开始投票。Macao kicks off legislative election.

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一名选举官员正等候选民。An election official waits for voters.

约翰在选举中一改涂地。John missed by a mile in the election.

比阿特丽斯将在这选举中获胜Beatrice is going to win this election.

他在上次选举时被系败了。He was voted down in the last election.

该政党在下次选举时可能下台。This party may go out at next election.

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这次选举的选民投票率很低。Voter turnout was low for the election.

我敢打赌,下次选举他们会胜。Who do you think will win the election?

选举结果对政府不利。The election went against the government.