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怀疑主义是受难灵魂的自虐。Skepticism is the sadism of embittered souls.

以这个意义来说,虐待狂仅仅是受虐狂的不被承认。In this sense, sadism is merely the disavowal of masochism.

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不过,性受虐狂的倾向中总是有一些施虐的成分。The tendency towards masochism is however always linked with elements of sadism.

他的故事并不能娱乐大众,而是一种近乎疯狂的行为。There is a point at which his stories stop working as entertainment and segue into sadism.

精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.

这个公式让我们可能启明许多事情,关于虐待狂的特性。This formula will make it possible to illuminate many things concerning the true nature of sadism.

分析结果表明正是伦敦身上存在的施虐狂倾向及受虐狂倾向导致了他最终的自毁。Analyses show that it is sadism and masochism in Jack London that result in his final self-destruction.

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想要理解王小波的小说,必须首先理解虐恋情结。To understand Wang's fiction, readers need to understand the relationship between sadism and masochism.

明智的国际经济政策是不会将施虐和受虐式的竞争作为处理争端的良方!Competition in masochism and sadism is hardly a prescription for sensible international economic policy!

虐待狂是以一种给别人造成痛苦或者看别人痛苦作为快乐的来源。Sadism is the derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others.

性施虐癖的本质是对性伴的统治,而性受虐癖的本质是对性伴的臣服。The essence of sadism is the domination of a sexual partner, and that of masochism is submission to a sexual partner.

当公众还在怀疑战争的走向时,这张虐待狂的照片映征了美国在伊拉克所进行的所有冒险完全是个错误。As public doubts about the war grow, the images of sadism symbolized all that is going wrong with the U.S. venture in Iraq.

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当统治与服从被普遍承认为连续性行为之正常部分时,施虐与受虐却仍然不被视为正常的。While dominance and submission are generally accepted as normal aspects of the continuum of sexual behavior, sadism and masochism are less so.

通过在互联网上展示她无人性的施虐行为,她似乎想要称合某个人曾经严重虐待她的画面。By exhibiting her desensitized sadism on the internet, she seems to fit the picture of someone who has been severely abused and maltreated herself.

今年的照片是描绘一位被自己老公毁容的年轻的阿富汗妇女,这幅照片已将俨然成为暴力和虐待狂的象征。The photo of the year is the portrait of a young Afghan woman disfigured by her own husband, an image that has become a symbol of violence and sadism.

丑恶的环境扭曲了人性,是春梅施虐性格形成的基础,使其美好的天赋和正当的追求朝着畸形的方向发展。The evil environment has distorted Chunmei's character, which led to the abnormal development of her talent and pursuit and the formation of her sadism.

甚至那些被诊断为性施虐或性受虐的人很少意识到他们自己有与性有关的问题而需专业干预。Even those with diagnosed sexual sadism or sexual masochism seldom perceive themselves as having a sex-related problem needing professional intervention.

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文章就试图从集体无意识、末日情结、施虐倾向与受虐倾向等社会精神现象入手,剖析信仰异化的心理动因。This essay, started with the aspects like collective unconsciousness, doomsday feeling, sadism and masochism, tries to analyze psychology mechanism of faith dissimilation.

有人将弗利兹的虐待心理归罪于道德败坏的纳粹思想残余,也有人将它归罪于常年在核辐射威胁下生活所导致的心理扭曲。Some have claimed Fritzl's sadism to be a vestige of Nazism 's moral corruption, others that the psychological strain of living for years under the threat of nuclear destruction was to blame.

当然,这些对电影中暴力成分的盲目排斥,特别是对这部英雄主义电影中老套而且恶搞性质的变态暴虐的一味指责,是逃避和不负责任的。But I also think that the uncritical defense of brutality on film, especially of the unimaginative, half-jokey sadism that drives this latest superhero movie, can be evasive and irresponsible.