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像对象一样运行。Behave like an object.

这是一个不明物体。It’s an unknown object.

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每个对象都有弌个类型。Every object has a type.

一切都是对象。Everything is an object.

这就是客体永存性That's object permanence.

马克思真的显灵了吗?Would Marx really object?

我对所有这些吵闹声很反感。I object to all this noise.

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你拒绝外部的影响。You object outside influences.

为对象分配空间。Allocates space for the object.

他现在的目标是要娶位太太。It was now his object to marry.

它是客观存在的物体,一个实物It's objective. It's an object.

物体想要滑下去。The object wants to slide down.

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那物却藏在她裙内。The object was inside her skirt.

这是主谓宾结构There's a subject, verb, object.

及物动词有宾语。Transitive verbs have an object.

一定要知道对象的地址。Be aware of the object addresses.

勒迈里判断该墓志铭的年代为公元63年。Lemaire dates the object to 63 A.

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下面讨论公共对象模型。Now, about a common object model.

机器人能捕获该物体。The robot can acquire the object.

注销一个对象。Use this to unregister an object.