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简单.ZooKeeper is simple.

你能看见一个愉快的动物园管理员。You can see a pleasant zookeeper.

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哦,你认识动物管理员吗?那个住在动物园的人。Oh , do you know the zookeeper , who lives at the zoo.

2007年,丹佛动物园中的一只玻利维亚产美洲虎咬死了一名动物管理员。A Bolivia-born jaguar killed a zookeeper at the Denver Zoo in 2007.

真好喝!德国杜伊斯堡动物园,动物园管理人员正在给一只初生的长颈鹿喂奶。A zookeeper feeds milk to a newborn giraffe at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany.

稀有的新出生白子侏儒狨猴栖息在一位动物园管理员的手指上。Rare newborn albino Pygmy Marmoset monkeys perched on a zookeeper 's fingers.

针对分布式应用的分布式协作服务.ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications.

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一个粗心的动物园管理员,他以为把动物们留在动物园了,可是它们却跟着他回家了。An unobservant zookeeper is followed home by all the animals he thinks he has left behind in the zoo.

糟糕!ABC动物园内的动物逃走了!你可以帮工作人员把它们关进笼内吗?Oh no! The animals from ABC Zoo have escaped! Can you help the zookeeper put them back in their cages?

动物园管理员对哑剧演员解释到,那是只动物园里最受大家欢迎的、最能吸引游人的大猩猩突然死了。The zookeeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular attraction, a gorilla, has died suddenly.

基姆和凯恩是一对双胞胎,他们住在动物园里。他们的爸爸是动物园的管理员。他有许多事情要做。Kim and Ken are twins, and they live at the zoo. Their father is the zookeeper. He has so many things to do.

在这天的末了,动物园管理员给这个哑剧演员加了薪水,因为这样一个大猩猩更有吸引力。At the end of the day the zookeeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction as a gorilla.

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克努特在出生之后被母亲弃养,管理员托马斯•德约克里夫一手将他抚养长大。Knut shot to fame after his mother rejected him at birth and he had to be hand-reared by zookeeper Thomas Dörflein.

然而当看到刚志像核桃那样尿尿时,猜疑加深。「我们了解到事情真的很怪异」,管理员说。But suspicions deepened when Tsuyoshi was seen urinating just like Kurumi. "We realised it's really odd, " the zookeeper said.

那些想要自己经历“大猫历险”的游客可以买一包“零食袋”,然后和动物管理员一同亲手喂一头狮子或老虎。Those wanting their own "Big Cat Adventure, " can purchase a "treat bag" and go with a zookeeper to hand-feed a lion or tiger.

zookeeper的一个重要设计目标就是要提供简单的编程接口.所以,它仅仅提供如下操作One of the design goals of ZooKeeper is provide a very simple programming interface. As a result, it supports only these operations

尽管动物管理员山姆慈爱地伺候着所有的动物,但是他好像忘记了大象。大象最终能吃到干草吗?While he has lovingly tended to all the other animals, it appears that Sam the zookeeper has forgotten to feed Elephant. Will Elephant have his hay?

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zookeeper已经在很多工业级项目中被成功运用.在Yahoo!ZooKeeper has been successfully used in many industrial applications. It is used at Yahoo! as the coordination and failure recovery service for Yahoo!

正如发现巨蜥单性生殖的英国的动物园管理员所描述的,像等公共汽车一样,等了好长时间,然后一群小蜥蜴就一股脑地都出来了。As the British zookeeper who discovered virgin births in Komodos put it, rather like buses, you wait ages and then loads of them come along all at once.

有别于标准文件系统的是,zookeeper名称空间中的每个节点都可以关联数据到它本身或者它的子节点.就好比标准文件系统中的文件同时又可以Unlike is standard file systems, each node in a ZooKeeper namespace can have data associated with it as well as children. It is like having a file-system that allows a file to also be a directory.