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消极被动减弱了你被听到和被认可的能力。Passiveness diminishes your capacity to be heard and validated.

防卫的表现介于好斗和消极之间的灰色地带。Defensiveness is in the gray zone between aggression and passiveness.

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然而,这会引起学生的被动性和依赖感。However, this method causes the passiveness and dependence of the students.

感性活动原则的最重要特征是受动性与能动性。The most important properties of sensuous activity are passiveness and activeness.

在生活世界中政府从消极和积极两方面展示其公共性。The government unfurls her publicity from aspects of both passiveness and activeness.

但司法必须坚守有限性、被动性、稳定性的特质规定。However, the judicial system must stick to the principles of limitedness, passiveness and steadiness.

目前高校中国画传统教学存在着很大的被动性。Up till now much passiveness has still existed in the teaching of Chinese painting in the universities.

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一个酷的图形可以诠释出蓝色的消极面,象征着萧条,冷漠和被动。A cool shade can bring about the negative side of blue, symbolizing depression, coldness, and passiveness.

这与过去那种被动、亏损、不讲业绩的政府的补贴工具完全不同。This is quite different that kind of passiveness and government allowance means without considering profit.

北部湾地区与外部世界发生了更广泛的经济文化联系,由被动的开埠走向了主动的开放。As this region had more connection with the world in economy and culture, the opening was changed from passiveness to activeness.

我要写有关知识分子们在社会动荡后如何面对信仰毁灭,面对他们的顺从和斗争。I want to write about how intellectuals face the destruction of faith after social turmoil, their passiveness and their struggles.

时代要求研究型大学的教学是由“教”向“学”、由“被动”向“主动”的转移。What this times need research university teaching is the transfer from "instruction" to "study", from " passiveness " to "activeness".

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的确,一个人必须要有这种聪悟的被动,才能在那一瞬间理解到每一个艺术作品,背后都有这个的意义。Right. You really have to have a wise passiveness that moment to really think that every piece of art have that kind of duty behind it.

事实上,日本今天的被动性在很大程度上受到了其在二战时期的表现的影响,它是一种很自然的合理反应。In fact, Japan’s passiveness today is in large measure a calculated and reasonable reaction to its behavior during the Second World War.

语言中的女性常常具有“从属”、“否定”、“被动”等语义特征。Investigations into languages show that women in language are always with such semantic meanings as"subordination", "negation", "passiveness"and so on.

汉藏语诸语言在语义上都有被动表述,但被动义的强弱存在不同的层次,而且在语法形式上缺乏共同的形态标记。Passive expression exists in all Sino-Tibetan languages, however they do not have the same degree of passiveness and lack a common way to express the concept.

大自然中有取之不尽的财富来丰富我们的感情和理智,人类只有顺应自然、善待自然才能获取快乐,才会有美好的未来。Nature provides us with countless wealth that enriches our emotion and sense, only by being kind to nature and treating it with wise passiveness can man have a better future.

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伴随着改革开放的步伐,我国的软实力得到了全面而迅速的提升,实现了从被动到主动,从无意识到有意识的积极发展。With the pace of reform and opening up, our soft power have comprehensive and rapid improvement, that is, from passiveness to initiative, from unconsciousness to consciousness.

三幅作品的顺序不那么重要,它们也并非说教式的象征性艺术作品,它们的存在完全是作为文化载体的人所具有的一类普遍性被动反映。The order of 'Road to Heaven' is that important, it is not another Moralism art work, it is more like a passiveness act from a man who is the carrier of culture as an existence.

但日本那特有的整洁,对工作的狂热,新生代的消极,总是会不时的浮现在我的脑海,已经深深烙印我的记忆深处。Yet, the tidiness so typical of Japan, its craziness about work and passiveness of the new generation, would come up from time to time, as they have left such a deep impression on my mind.