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他开始就家庭关系进行说教。He launched into a homily on family relationships.

在演说中,教皇集中批评现代唯物主义的弊病。In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism.

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稍早前,教宗还在他传统性的平安夜训诫中,为世界和平祈福。Earlier, the Pope prayed for peace as he delivered his traditional Christmas Eve homily.

这两种情况都将使国际足联主席布拉特“足球大家庭”的说教经受考验。Either fixture would test Fifa president Sepp Blatter's "football family" homily to breaking point.

在他的说教说,主教强调了统一这个问题,这是也是他此行的主题。During his homily , Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit.

布道类讲章就像是在对经文连续不断的讲解中,间歇的穿插着应用。A homily is like a running commentary of the text with applications made periodically through the sermon.

身穿金白色法衣,头戴主教法冠的本尼迪克特教皇在宣读平安夜布道文时并未显出不适。Benedict, in gold and white vestments and mitre, showed no discomfort as he read out his Christmas Eve homily.

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从一个有经验的传道人的角度而言,我知道在你们当中有一些人至少听漏了我一部份的证道辞。As an experienced preacher, I know that some of you didn't hear at least part of what I just said in this homily.

在深入了解高新企业营销风险的成因及特点的基础上,对弘历公司潜在的营销风险进行了具体分析。Learning the reasons and characteristics of marketing risk, what kinds of risks homily stone company faced are listed.

班尼迪克教皇在布道中祈祷愿以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的仇恨和暴力在圣地终止。In his homily , Pope Benedict prayed that hatred and violence between Israelis and Palestinians will cease in the Holy Land.

中国这种说法是可以理解的,虽然有些含糊其词,却仍然被印度媒体广泛转载。Understandably, this homily from the Chinese, although vaguely worded, has received widespread coverage in the Indian media.

在星期一选举开始前举行的弥撒说教时,本笃枢机谴责了当今破坏天主教的种种趋势。In his homily at a Mass Monday before the conclave started, Cardinal Ratzinger denounced modern trends undermining Catholicism.

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底符合这个条件。在甲斐的公寓里举行的仪式上,底发表了简短的信仰讲道,并追念死者。Soko fit the bill. At the ceremony, which took place in Kai's apartment, Soko delivered a short homily about faith and remembering the dead.

刘胡兰已成为勇敢的中国人的象征,并被当作忠于***的典范来宣传。The life and death of Liu Hulan has become a symbol of the courage of the Chinese people, and is often cited as a homily of their loyalty to Communism.

教宗本笃十六世在就职弥撒中的讲道,重复前任教宗若望保禄二世的话,这也是耶稣最初跟我们说的,「不要害怕!」At the end of his homily last Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI echoed the words of Pope John Paul II, which were first given to us by Jesus, "Do not be afraid."

另一个原因是希望提升圣道礼和神父讲道在现今弥撒的重要性。Another reason that contributed to that decision was the elevation of the liturgy of the word and the homily to their modern importance in the Mass today.

这是非常谦卑的举动,教皇弗朗西斯在简短的训诫中解释道,他是为了展现他为他人服务,尤其是贫困和无助的人。It was an act of humility, Pope Francis explained in a short homily to show that he is at the service of others, particularly the poor and the marginalized.

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对这位之前称英国参与伊战在道德和实践上都是错误的大主教来说,这称不上是一次温抚人心的布道。This was no soothing homily from a man who has previously described decisions leading to Britain's involvement in the war as being morally and practically flawed.

他提到在美国,天主教的性质正在发生变化,因为越来越多的西班牙和葡萄牙人开始移民到美国来找工作,这些人大部分是生长在天主教的环境之下的。In his homily , the pope referred to the changing nature of the catholic church in America as more Hispanic migrants, most of them brought up as Catholics, arrived to find work.

我们再也不想听到亨利婆婆妈妈地辩解自己是如何脱颖而出,成为超级明星、荣誉军团骑士和吉列大使的。That's the last time we'll want to hear a homily from Henry about how he escaped the projects to become a superstar, a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur and a Gillette ambassador.