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你的愿望会满足的。Your wish shall be fulfilled.

信德,你的愿望会实现的。Sindu, your wish will be fulfilled.

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新都,你的愿望将会实现。Sindu, your wish will be fulfilled.

雅各伯就这样做了。与肋阿满了七天以后。Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week.

无论如何,任务总得完成。At any rate the task must be fulfilled.

对于协同作用的承诺是很少能兑现的。Promises of synergy are rarely fulfilled.

顾拜旦第一个希望业已实现。Coubertin's first hope has been fulfilled.

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我宁可去做一些能让我充实的事情。I would rather do what makes me fulfilled.

爱一无所求,自我圆满。Love asks nothing, is fulfilled in itself.

我深处所祷,神是我一切。Till God hath full fulfilled my deepest prayer.

今天这经应验在你们耳中了。Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.

神藉以利沙所说的话完全应验了。Through Elisha God's word was completely fulfilled.

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你热爱工作,它让你感到满足。You love going to work. It makes you feel fulfilled.

你已经履行了自己与别人的承诺了吗?Have you fulfilled commitments to yourself and others?

温柔的爱我、真实的爱我,我的梦想都成真。Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfilled.

以色列在这场战争中并没有达到自己的既定目标。Israel's stated goals were not fulfilled with this war.

三是有法不依,执法不严。And the law has not been obeyed arid fulfilled strictly.

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他们努力工作,从而超额完成了计划。They worked so hard that they over fulfilled their plan.

一个中国男孩梦想拥有飞翔的翅膀,某航空公司帮其圆梦。Chinese boy's dream of flying was fulfilled by an airline.

到时候你会感到满足,觉得个人野望得以实现。It should be a time that you feel fulfilled and gratified.