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最圆满的果报是无希求和恐惧。Supreme fruition is without hope and fear.

那么为什么这些规划没有结出成果?So why did these plans not come to fruition?

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所有的这类禅获得果位。All such dharmas result in fruition. This is Nirvana.

如上图所示,我的小菜园正走向成熟。And my plot, pictured here, is just coming to fruition.

然而直到现在,这篇起源于1992年的论文才真正完成。Now, however, my thesis from 1992 has really come to fruition.

到底是瓜熟地落还是枯黄凋落?Is everything coming to fruition or to wither without anything?

这种更加严格的政策现在看来似乎正在着力实施。This more stringent strategy now seems to be coming to fruition.

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计划未完成的原因,如今已众所周知。The reasons these plans did not come to fruition are now well known.

希望似乎终了,却是丰富收获的开始。Where the end of hope is, there is the brightest beginning of fruition.

所有佛教教义都在解释「根,道和果」的内容。All the Buddhist teachings are explained in terms of Ground, Path, and Fruition.

但是因特网的繁荣却是在合适的条件达到之后的。But the Internet came to fruition only after the right conditions were in place.

不过,虽然许多事情起于此,却很少圆满地止于此。But while many things begin in the Crossroads, few ever reach their fruition there.

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它也未能在美洲的玛雅、印加及阿兹台克文明中结出果实。It also failed to come to fruition among the Maya, Incas and Aztecs of the Americas.

大本的名字也在不同的阶段出现,但是最后没有一项达成一致。Ben Wallace's name showed up at various stages, too, and none of it came to fruition.

尽管从未成为现实,但原计划是要用银箔装饰银阁寺。The plan was to cover the temple in silver foil, although that never came to fruition.

孵化器提供了一些有趣的项目,不久的将来,这些项目可能会走向成熟。The incubator provides some interesting projects that might come to fruition in the near future.

照片中的模型就是斯皮尔的战后柏林计划,也被称为“日耳曼尼亚”,不过该计划始终没有开花结果。Here, Speer's plans for postwar Berlin, to be known as "Germania." The plans never came to fruition.

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这个使得芥子发生巨变的环境便是水、泥土、肥料、温度,等等。The conditions to bring the mustard seed to fruition are water, earth, fertilizer, warmth, and so on.

所以以学生为导向,催生了许多这类课程。So what happens is that a lot of these programs have come to fruition because they are student-driven.

创新的人有梦想,也有成就梦想的性格力量。Innovators are individuals with dreams and the strength of character to bring their dreams to fruition.