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纳斯达克上涨了25点在1955点收盘。The NASDAQ rose 25 points to close at 1,955.

纳斯达克综合指数下降54点,至2444点。The Nasdaq composite index is down 54 at 2, 444.

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纳斯达克指数下跌21点收盘价3424点。标普500指数下跌9点截至1627点。NASDAQ was off 21 at 3424. The S&P 500 down 9 at 1627.

标准普尔500指数在十一月下降百分之0.2,纳斯达克百分之0.4。The S&P 500 fell 0.2 percent in November, the Nasdaq 0.4 percent.

在纳斯达克100指数中,仅仅三个成分股出现的下跌。Only three members of the Nasdaq 100 index fell during the session.

新的纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克仍然是一往无前。The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq are still powering ahead.

让我们来关注下华尔街,道琼斯指数上涨56点。纳斯达克指数下跌12点,这里是NPR新闻。On wall street, the Dow is up 56. The NASDAQ down 12, this is NPR news.

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纳斯达克指数周线图一直在头肩顶的形态之中运行。The weekly NASDAQ chart was dominated by the head and shoulder pattern.

2005年成为第一家在纳斯达克上市的中国芯片设计公司。In 2005, Vimicro was listed on NASDAQ as the first Chinese chip company.

那斯达克12个月居然狂跌1600点,真叫人不可思议!It's amazing what 12 months and a 1,600-point loss on the Nasdaq will do!

您想知道德国证券交易所和美国纳斯达克证券交易所的独特优势吗?What unique advantages will the Deutsche Boerse and Nasdaq present to you?

最后,道琼斯指数收复了55点,而纳斯达克指数下跌了44点。In the end, the Dow gave back 55 points, while the NASDAQ tumbled about 44.

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在中国,成为NASDAQ或者NYSE上市公司在变成了一件非常有面子的事情。It has become quite prestigious in China to be a NASDAQ or NYSE listed company.

上周,中国概念股在纳斯达克上演了一出“悲喜剧”。Last week, the China concept stocks in the Nasdaq staged a " Tragicomedy . " U.

证劵交易所的交易没有间断,期间的损失很小。Trade on the Nasdaq stock market went uninterrupted and the impact was minimal.

纳斯达克首席执行官罗伯特•格雷费尔德表示,高技能的移民,在美国创造就业机会。NASDAQ CEO Robert Greifeld says high-skilled immigrants in the U. S. create jobs.

然而,那斯达克综合指数只下降到2227年,远高于其2155年的低点3月17日。Yet the NASDAQ Composite only declined to 2227, well above its 2155 low of March 17.

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朱莉曾埋怨我哈密瓜切得参差不齐,就像纳斯达克曲线。Julie once complained that I cut cantaloupes all jaggedly, like a graph of the NASDAQ.

由冲击反应函数的结果显示,NASDAQ为主要影响RTSI的主要因素。The impulse response function test shows that NASDAQ is the major determinant of RTSI.

标普500指数创下15个月新高,Nasdaq指数则触及16个月高点.Tuesday marked a new 15-month high for the S&P 500 and a 16-month high for the Nasdaq.