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我跑了起来,被浇湿了。I ran. I got wet.

她往楼上跑去。She ran upstairs.

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上班路上我碰见了一个色鬼。I ran over a goat.

他跑去避雨。He ran for shelter.

詹姆斯迎着我们跑过来。James ran up to us.

我们赶紧去帮助他。We ran to help him.

击球员得了两分。The batsmen ran two.

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我跑不了那么快。I cant ran that fast!

我们的汽油用完了。We ran out of petrol.

他又跑到村口。He ran to the village.

那匹马呀,跑掉了。The horse it ran away.

他四分钟跑一英里。He ran a 4-minute mile.

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他在林荫道上跑着。He ran down the avenue.

他跑下楼梯。He ran down the stairs.

卡特先生经营着一个牛奶场。Mr. Carter ran a dairy.

她挣脱开来,跑掉了。She shook free and ran.

泪水潸然而下。Tears ran down my face.

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她积欠了一大笔账。She ran up a large bill.

那座小池塘干涸了。The little pond ran dry.

然后我拼了命的逃走。And then I ran like hell.