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东尼也比我忙很多。She is busier than I am.

你看来不错,比原来更忙You’ve been good busier than ever

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都市里比较忙碌,也比较吵。It is busier and noisier in the city.

我们越忙,越是感到幸福。The busier we are, the happier we feel.

事实上,他越忙越高兴。Actually, the busier he is, the happier he.

有大量工作要做,他感到更忙了。With a lot of work to do, he felt even busier.

他相信俱乐部的生意比通常更好。He believed the club had been busier than usual.

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他比车间里任何工人都更忙。He is busier than any other worker in his workshop.

和我看到我旁边的人谁是比我更忙and I see somebody next to me who's busier than I am

如果你有孩子,估计你比我还要忙上20倍。If you have kids, you’re probably 20 times busier than me.

在忙碌的日子里,不要在给自己强加一种发型。On busier days, you should not force a style on your hair.

你要明白,我将会比以前更忙,比以前面临更大的挑战。You know, I will be much busier and facing more challenges.

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人们相信,就是因为月亮圆了,所以才会变忙的。There is the belief that things are busier on full-moon nights.

要我说,我们应该拒绝这种谁比谁更忙碌的小游戏。I say we should reject that little game of who’s busier than whom.

我想周末的时候这儿更加繁忙,因为很明显没有人需要工作。I think weekends are a lot busier because obviously nobody's at work.

每天早晨都很忙碌,下午更忙。The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even busier !

毕业仅数日之遥,和罗宾山甚至比平常更忙。Graduation is just days away, and Robin Mount is even busier than usual.

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我的优先权“你是否认为越忙,你的生活就越完善呢?”Do you think the busier you are, the more accomplished your life will be?

我们现在比任何没有在企业内部工作的人都要忙。Many of us who don’t work in-house have never been busier than we are now.

比以前更忙了也更有挑战性了,不过我还能应付。Much busier and a lot more challenging than my old one. But I can handle it.