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那你们愿意和Humbert共进晚餐吗?Would you like to sit down to dinner with Humbert?

我们能从Humbert的主观中跳脱出来吗?Do we ever escape from the subjectivity of Humbert?

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我可爱的孩子!“你有个可爱的孩子,亨伯特先生。My lovely child! "You have a lovely child, Mr. Humbert.

这就是为什么亨伯特一看到名单就觉得有趣。That's why Humbert can be instantly delighted in the list of names.

“如果一家公司要求在发送的简历中说明薪资要求,这其实有可能日后对应聘者不利,”亨伯特说道。"When a company asks you to include pay requirements with your resume, it can be used against you, " Humbert says.

这就是整首诗,Humbert向我们描绘了19世纪,传统的浪漫,时至今日也仍然受用。So, that's the whole poem. Humbert is drawing on a nineteenth-century Romantic tradition that still has a certain power.

通过这些策略的运用,纳博科夫成功地保持了微妙的叙事平衡,亨伯特成功地实现了其自我辩护的叙事动机。By using these strategies Nabokov succeeds in achieving the delicate narrative balance, and Humbert reaches his narrative motivation of self-justification.

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我想再举一个例子,就是亨伯特和洛丽塔,到达Enchanted,Hunter,饭店的那场,这在118页下面。And I want to show you one more example of that, in the scene where Humbert and Lolita have reached the hotel, the Enchanted Hunter. This is on page 118 near the bottom.

记住我说过Lolita有一个死去的孩子,而她自己也在分娩中死去,在某种意义上,因为这是一种创造,所以Nabokov想要取消,或者说Humbert想要取消。Remember, I argued that Lolita has a dead child, and she dies in childbirth, in a way, because it's a kind of creativity that Nabokov wants to cancel, or that Humbert wants to cancel.

那蝴蝶曾经在短短的一瞬出现过,那是,在那个打网球的场景里,当亨伯特和洛丽塔打球的时候,一只,蝴蝶从他们中间飞过,它标志着他们在那个时刻是艺术家。And the butterfly does appear in just one moment, and it's during the tennis scene. As Humbert and Lolita play, there is one butterfly that flits between them. It's a mark of their equality as artists in that moment.