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因而提出了海南克拉通的概念。Therefore the author Proposed the concept of Hainan Craton.

通常引用的克拉通实例是加拿大地盾。A commonly cited example of a craton is the Canadian Shield.

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造山带和克拉通之间的盆地称之为前陆盆地。The basin between orogenic belt and craton is called foreland basin.

华北克拉通中部广泛发育晚前寒武纪镁铁质岩墙群。Late Precambrian mafic dyke swarms are extensively developed in the central North China Craton.

鄂尔多斯盆地是叠加在华北古生代克拉通台地之上的中生代大型陆内盆地。The Ordos basin is a large Mesozoic intracontinental basin superimposed on the Paleozoic North China craton.

鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田位于稳定克拉通中央古隆起东部,是与奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩有关的风化壳型气田。The gas field in the center of Ordos Basin is formed in the eastern central paleo-uplift of the stable craton.

鄂尔多斯盆地位于华北克拉通西部,是中国大型含油气盆地之一。The Ordos basin located in the west part of the North China craton is one of the large petroleum-bearing basins.

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大陆岩石圈地幔的古老形成年龄与上覆地壳克拉通的古老稳定年龄相耦合。The ancient formation age of continental lithospheric mantle is coupling with the age of overlying craton crust.

哥勒克拉通是位于南澳州中部的一个从太古代到中元古代的结晶基底地壳块。The Gawler Craton is an Archaean to Mesoproterozoic crystalline basement crustal block in central South Australia.

扬子地块西缘新元古代岩浆活动非常强烈,花岗岩广布。Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks, especially granitic intrusions, are widespread in the western margin of the Yangtze craton.

单型盆地的原型可以划分为克拉通盆地、拉张盆地和挤压盆地。The prototypes of the monotype basins can further be divided into craton basins, extensional basins and compressional basins.

大量对流的软流圈物质注入克拉通是诱发陆壳发生局部熔融所必需的条件。An input of a large amount of convective asthenospheric materials into the craton was needed to make the crust partially molten.

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与世界上其他大的稳定克拉通区相比,华北地台地壳活动性较大,具有准地台的特点.。Compared with other great stable craton regions, there is greater crustal activity of NCP which has paraplatformal characteristics.

该类层状铅锌矿床可能是扬子地台西缘铅锌矿聚区中最具找矿潜力的矿床类型。The Sedex-type deposit is probably the one with largest resources potential in the Pb-Zn belt on western margin of the Yangtze Craton.

鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田位于稳定克拉通中央古隆起东北部,是一个与奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩有关的风化壳型气田。Central Gas Field located in the center of Ordos Basin is formed on the paleo-uplift in the north-eastern boarder of the stable craton.

有意义的是,这三个时期与华北克拉通三次伸展事件时间相吻合。It is very interesting that these three periods coincide with three lithospheric extensional events that affected the North China Craton.

这种共存现象可能是软流圈物质对古老地幔进行侵蚀、混合和改造置换的结果。This was probably caused by the asthenospheric mantle that replaced the aged craton mantle through erosion, intermingling and modification.

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未变形未变质的前寒武纪岩墙群的存在表明前寒武纪华北克拉通已经具有了刚性板块的性质。The existence of the undeformed and unmetamorphed Precambrian dike swarms shows that the Precambrian North China Craton had been a rigid plate.

新的资料支持了华北克拉通中部造山带太古宙地质体与其东部陆块存在亲缘关系的认识。The new data support that idea the Archean geologic body in the Central orogenic belt of the North China craton has affinity with its eastern block.

牟乳金矿带位于华北克拉通东缘的胶北花岗岩-绿岩地体东部活化区。Muping-Rushan gold metallogenic belt is located in the activated region of Jiaodong granite-greenstone terrain of eastern margin of North China Craton.