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放松一下,在瓜达拉哈拉的放纵。Relax and indulge at Quinta Real Guadalajara.

别墅房华都尔科提供豪华住宿华都尔科。Quinta Real Huatulco offers luxury Huatulco accommodations.

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一个个性化的假期等在阿瓜斯卡连特斯的。A personalized vacation awaits at Quinta Real Aguascalientes.

拉昆塔西拉港口被认为是红宝石的港口,因为它暗红色。La Quinta Syrah Port is considered a ruby port due to its dark red color.

到北部以东的星期四是广泛的阿连特茹开阔的平原。To the north east of the Quinta are the wide-open Plains of the Alentejo.

享受广场餐厅,萨卡特卡斯的萨卡特卡斯餐厅的现场。Enjoy The Plaza Restaurant, Quinta Real Zacatecas's on-site Zacatecas restaurant.

在阿卡普尔科的客人享受美味的食物,一种观点认为,第二没有。At Quinta Real Acapulco, guests enjoy savory food with a view that's second to none.

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在南面的金塔东邻约台塑口,其中有广泛的盐田。To the south east of the Quinta lies the Rio Formosa Estuary, which has extensive salt pans.

61套房的阿卡普尔科度假区是一个典型的组合文化课。The 61-suite Quinta Real Acapulco resort is a quintessential combination of culture and class.

在瓜达拉哈拉的客人可以享受各种各样的活动,和当地的瓜达拉哈拉景点。Guests at Quinta Real Guadalajara can enjoy a variety of activities and local Guadalajara attractions.

我们只是收购了八家破产的旅馆,其中一间是棕泉市的拉昆塔“保尔森继续说。“We just bought eight hotels in bankruptcy, and one of them is La Quinta in Palm Springs, ” Mr. Paulson said.

保尔森接着问在场有考虑住在拉昆塔的观众是否能在棕泉市认出他俩。Mr. Paulson then asked everyone in the room to consider staying at La Quinta should they find themselves in Palm Springs.

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红花在哥伦比亚圣马塔的乡间别墅旁的池塘倒映出来,呈现出一幅很有质感且对比鲜明的画面。Red flowers reflected in Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino's Pond in Santa Marta, Colombia, create an image full of textures and contrast.

你在这个友好国家逗留在星期四举行做巴兰科达,一个小家庭埃斯特拉达,运行在一个惊人的湖畔酒店的位置。Your stay in this friendly country is hosted at Quinta do Barranco da Estrada, a small family-run hotel in a stunning lakeside location.

“五鹰”这个称号是给予1980年代皇家马德里一代球员的礼物,他们都来自于球队的青年队。La Quinta del Buitre was the name given to the generation of gifted Real Madrid players in the 1980s, who came up through the club's own youth team structure.

位于墨西哥的心脏地带,阿瓜斯卡连特斯的家是旧世界的热情和风格,精心修剪的花园,和愈合的“温泉”。Located within in the heart of Mexico, Quinta Real Aguascalientes is home to Old World hospitality and style, well-manicured gardens, and healing "hot waters."

在阿瓜斯卡连特斯的85套房有专属的精心修剪的花园,壮观的景色,波光粼粼的池塘,和壮观的玉兰广场。The 85 exclusive suites at Quinta Real Aguascalientes have spectacular views of the perfectly manicured gardens, shimmering pool, and the magnificent Magnolias Plaza.

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全面服务的餐厅是位于停车场附近,无论您从事商业,旅游与体育,酒店都将提供一个安全,舒适,放松如同自己的家一样环境!Whether you're in town on business, traveling with a sports group, or visiting Andover for pleasure, La Quinta Andover offers a safe, comfortable, and relaxing home-away-from-home!

但现代经典,墨西哥蒙特雷是一个五星级住宿,美食难忘的豪华酒店,并在墨西哥事件和目的地婚礼空间。Modern yet classic, Quinta Real Monterrey is an unforgettable luxury hotel with five-star accommodations, fine dining, and ample space for events and destination weddings in Mexico.

“托查司令的福,这里的处境不错”,地产经纪人约翰·费尔南德斯表示,这时他正在昆塔·克雷斯珀公共市场,手里提着几磅虾和枪乌贼。"The situation here is good, thanks to Comandante Chávez, " said real estate broker John Fernandez as he bought a couple of pounds of shrimp and squid Tuesday at the Quinta Crespo public market.