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劝阻未婚生育。Discourage out-of-wedlock births.

压缩膝盖的带子阻止我弯腿。Compression knee bands discourage bending.

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税收应该用来阻止他们。Taxation should be used to discourage them.

父亲不准有热情的表示。Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.

装死能够阻止猎食者的进攻。Playing dead can discourage predators from attacking.

文彦容许妈妈好好劝止姗姗。WenYan allows mother good would discourage it shan shan.

什叶派不鼓励临时婚姻,但也不认为应该禁止。Shias discourage mutah but do not consider it prohibited.

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这项计划的目的旨在威慑、阻止人们醉驾。It is aimed to be a deterrent, a way to discourage people.

尽力劝他今晚不要驾车回伦敦。Try to discourage him from driving back to London tonight.

“我不知道”我声音干巴地回答,试图打消他的热情。I don't know, " I replied dryly , trying to discourage him."

不要让下属对你这样不拘礼节。Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

不要让属下对你这样不拘礼仪。Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

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无所不能因该一次失败就气馁,再试一试看。Don't let one failure discourage you, try one abundance time.

它还将阻止不必要的人占用的数据。It would also discourage people from needlessly hogging data.

而中国政府并不鼓励这样的抗议活动。In fact, the government wishes to discourage counter-protests.

你会对别人隐瞒那些令人沮丧的消息You avoid telling people the things that would discourage them.

茶树也还长有坚硬的茎刺以避免野兽的伤害。Tea also has hard, fibrous stalks to discourage animal incursion.

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设立赎回费首要目的在于阻止投资者短线炒卖。This fee type is set primarily to discourage short-term investors.

教师应劝阻学生吸烟喝酒。Teachers should discourage their students from smoking and drinking.

或许取消这些会打击过度使用杠杆的趋势。Phasing this out would discourage the build-up of excessive leverage.