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那么,你想去伊维撒岛了?So, you want to go to Ibiza then?

在伊比沙岛的回忆中得意忘形,我发动了本田摩托车。Proud in my Ibiza memories, I kicked the Honda alive.

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伊比沙岛2007年6月,人们在俱乐部跳舞至天明。Clubbers dance the morning away in June 2007 on Ibiza.

你认为我们明年能在伊比沙岛开会吗?Do you think we can have the conference in Ibiza next year?

六个头脑简单的女孩在去伊比萨的路上丢了护照和钱。Six light-minded girls are losing their passports and money on their way to Ibiza.

佛罗伦丝这个月本来热切盼望哈里能去西班牙伊维萨岛跟她一起度假,可现在没戏了。Florence was keen for Harry to join her on holiday in Ibiza this month, but it was not to be.

她唯一的女儿尤金妮亚继承了伊比沙岛,另外还有塞维利亚600英亩的土地。Her only daughter, Eugenia, inherits an estate in Ibiza and a further 600 acres near Seville.

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伊维萨岛是巴利阿里群岛最西端的岛屿,至少从公元前5000年人类居住的日期。Ibiza is the most western island of the Balearic Islands, and human habitation dates from at least 5000 BC.

满月群岛位于泰国臭名远扬的磐牙岛,在伊比沙岛的夜总会里充斥着可卡因和边缘舞蹈音乐。Full-moon parties on Thailand’s infamous Ko Pha Ngan. Cocaine and cutting-edge dance music in the clubs of Ibiza.

汽车座椅震惊沙龙巴塞罗那今天的记者团介绍了生产模式的席位伊维萨格拉。Seat shocked the Auto Salon Barcelona press corps today by introducing the production model of the Seat Ibiza Bocanegra.

我目前正在伊维萨岛度假,看到这则新闻的时候我感到很惊奇,因为我并没有与任何球员进行谈判。I am in Ibiza on holiday and I am most surprised by this news because I am not in any negotiations, " Vicens told Sport."

其中在西班牙伊比萨的酒吧最为著名,巴西的埃尔帝维诺正在以一个快捷的方式建立自己的品牌。The club in Ibiza Spain is one of the most famous nightclubs in Europe. EI Divino Brazil is making its marks in a fast path.

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搭顺风车来到城里偷走信用卡,订下了去伊维萨岛的机票就不再清白。你根本不知道他们送我去哪儿。It's hard to get clean when you hitchhike into town, Steal a credit card and book a ticket to ibiza. You didn't see where they sent me.

这是内部的伊维萨真正使家庭是多么不同的这些车,所有的标准的室内和装饰是废弃。It's the interior of the Ibiza which really brings home just how different these cars are, All the standard interior and trim is junked.

首相承认他比健美的妻子萨曼莎更“贪吃”。萨曼莎周末被拍到穿着比基尼在伊比沙岛度假。The Prime Minister admitted he is 'greedier' than toned wife Samantha, who was pictured at the weekend wearing a bikini on holiday in Ibiza.

伊维萨城保留其所有过去的荣耀和商业化,同时也带来了一些高层酒店也仍然有一些伟大的地方性格。Ibiza Town retains all its past glory and whilst commercialism has brought some high rise hotels there are also still some great places of character.

整个晚上只有这名射手后来的庆祝能与这记射门相比。就像是伊比沙岛的误会一样精彩。The only sight all night which eclipsed that strike was the striker's subsequent celebration, with moves on show which would grace any Ibiza dance-off.

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如果你是在伊维萨岛的特别假期计划,那么艾尔海洋车道是一个完美的地方让你住。Set in the typical architecture of Ibiza, Bossa Park Hotel Ibiza Island is an ideal place to experience all the pleasures and to indulge in numerous activities.

OTB最受欢迎的地方之一就是针对年轻旅客的度假目的地产品,这些目的地如地中海的伊比沙岛,都是年轻人追捧的派对胜地,这也是众多Facebook用户喜欢的地方。One of OTB’s popular segments is holidays targeted at younger travellers for such destinations as the party island Ibiza in the Mediterranean – a natural habitat for Facebookers.