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正因如此,再分配是错误的。And that's why redistribution is wrong.

重新分配土地是红区政策中的一个根本要素。Redistribution of land was a fundamental of Red policy.

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不过,我们回头来看看关于再分配的争论。But let's go back now to the arguments about redistribution.

自由主义者反对再分配怎么不对了?What's wrong with the libertarian case against redistribution?

这次发放防毒面具的工作由以色列国防部副部长维尔奈发起。Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai initiated the redistribution.

运动可引起内脏血流的重新分配。Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.

收入再分配的最直接的方法就是推行累进税。The most direct approach to income redistribution is to levy progressive taxes.

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我想继续回到对收入再分配问题,赞同与否的论辩。I want to go back to the arguments for and against the redistribution of income.

所以这是一种区域性的气候再分配,而非冰河时代那样的全球现象。So it was a regional redistribution and not a global phenomenon like an ice age.

文章写道,“再分配不仅是按人口总数,也按人的年龄结构均匀分配。Redistribution would spread work more evenly across populations and over the ages of life.

因此,实现中国更有效的收入重新分配的努力将会是未竟的事业。Thus efforts to achieve more meaningful income redistribution in China will go unfinished.

如果数据库日志文件比较小,则会很快用完日志空间,并导致重分发失败。A small database log file size can run out of log space and cause the redistribution to fail.

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迈克尔·乔丹,比尔·盖茨的例子中,自由主义反对通过征税进行财富再分配?Remember Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, the libertarian objection to taxation for redistribution?

一国的收入再分配水平和经济绩效之间存在着密不可分的关系。The level of income redistribution of one country is correlated with its economic performance.

铸钢凝固过程的溶质再分配是产生宏观偏析的根本原因。The redistribution of solutes during steel solidification induces macrosegregation ultimately.

有人认为洛克确实为反对通过征税进行财富再分配,提供了理论基础吗?Is there anyone who thinks that Locke does give grounds for opposing taxation for redistribution?

第四,降低股利所得税率导致股利所得税的收入再分配效应减弱。Fourthly, reducing the tax rate will weaken the income redistribution effect of dividend income tax.

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应用胶体金免疫电镜定位技术研究水分胁迫下叶片ABA的再分配。With immunogold electron microscopy stress-induced redistribution of ABA in leaves has been studied.

提高我国的直接税比重,可以促进经济增长、改善收入分配。And shifting toward greater direct tax will promote economic growth and improve income redistribution.

本文从不同的尺度阐述土壤再分布过程对土壤有机碳的影响。In this paper, the effects of soil redistribution on soil organic carbon in multi-scales are discussed.