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她以一种简洁和公事公办的方式通知他。She told him in a curt and businesslike manner.

“这怎么收费,柯利巴?”她突然一本正经的问道。"What is your fee, Koriba?" she asked, suddenly businesslike.

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罗默最有希望给路易斯安那州带来务实高效之风。Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana.

企业型政府的基本理念是公共经营管理。The thoughts of Public operation is basic idea of the businesslike government.

梅丽莎很高,有着一头金黄的碎发和一双能洞悉一切的眼睛,她非常敏锐就像商人一般。Tall with cropped blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she is brisk and businesslike.

一名亲切和蔼、精干的年轻护士将惊慌失措、面如死灰的德茜领进了7号病房。A kind and businesslike young nurse ushered a fearful, stony-faced Dasey into Room 7.

克莱伦斯的法子倒是不错,又简朴,又庄严,而且直接了当,有条有理。Clarence 's way was good. It was simple, it was dignified, it was direct and businesslike.

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如果你购房是为了商业经营,那你就需要一步步深思熟虑。If you are buying property for rental as a business , then more businesslike considerations apply.

当然,面试官看不见你,但是穿着睡衣是不能让你感到,或是听起来像在谈正事儿。Of course the interviewer can't see you, but you won't feel, or sound, as businesslike in your pajamas.

屋子很大,周围都是镶着玻璃的柜子,还有一面大镜子和一张井然有序的大办公桌。This was a large room with tall, glass-fronted cupboards, a large mirror and a big, businesslike table.

第一个惊吓是拘谨的,事务性的衣服隐藏了非常年轻的,比较适当的男人身体。The first shock was that the squarish , businesslike clothing concealed the body of a much younger, fitter man.

在关于将治疗集中在那些病危患者身上的讨论中,这一商业式的途径也很明显。That businesslike approach was apparent, too, in discussions over focusing treatment on those who are most at risk.

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咖啡色宽腰带和统一色调的低高跟鞋使这条白色长裙似乎更务实。A wide brown leather belt and low heels in the same hue make this white dress seem less beachy and more businesslike.

八年前的此时,人们对于效率奇高和商业化的布什政府的上台是多么感激涕零。This time eight years ago people were gushing about how efficient and businesslike the incoming Bush administration was.

因此在这项任务前面做一个现实的评估是适时的,而且一个有条有理的方法是最可能成功的。A realistic appraisal of the task ahead is therefore timely , and a businesslike approach is the one most likely to succeed.

威尔仍留在塔拉,她也不明白是什么原故,只是发现他对她采取的那种讲求实际的坦率既令人高兴也很有好处。So Will remained at Tara, for what reason she did not know and she found his businesslike man-to-man attitude with her both pleasant and helpful.

按照他朋友们的看法,麦克格雷迪是个实事求是的、就事论事的人,有时候还带点苏格兰人的味道。Realistic, businesslike and, according to friends, with a bit of a Scottish streak, Mr MacCready knew that most of his inventions were impractical.

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人们迫切的希望获得一个肯定的答案,但是在物欲横流的社会中,这个肯定的答复似乎上并没有成功,因此也不具很强的说服力。And people wishing for a 'yes' answer try desperately, yet with no evident success, to make it sound convincing in cool and businesslike language of interest.

梅丽莎很高,有着一头金黄的碎发和一双能洞悉一切的眼睛,她非常敏锐就像商人一般。“梅丽莎波义耳马勒,”她说,并且伸出手来握手。“那是我的真名。”Tall with cropped blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she is brisk and businesslike. 'Melissa Boyle Mahle,' she says, extending her hand. 'And that is my real name.'

不过,他们持续上升的热烈支持是否足以阻止撇号的消失,阻止更节省的,更符合商业习惯的标点的推广呢?But is their increasingly fervent devotion enough to thwart the spread of a sparer and more businesslike style of punctuation, from which apostrophes will be omitted?