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是蔡伦发明的。Cailun is credited for its invention.

他把300元记在客户的账上。He credited the customer with 300 yuan.

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她把那项发现归功于她自己。She credited herself with the discovery.

他是有时记为李家祥克努森。He is sometimes credited as Eric Knudsen.

银行把收到的500英镑记到他的账上。The bank has credited £500 to his account.

他们把失败归咎于计划不周。They credited the defeat to poor planning.

他们给了我三小时历史课的学分。They credited me with three hours in history.

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这种巧夺天工只能归功于大自然。This wonder can only be credited to the nature.

水稻歉收是由于缺雨。The shortage of rice was credited to lack of rain.

他被誉为发明麻醉药的第一人。He was credited fot inventing the first anesthetic.

他以华语音乐上的革新成绩著称。Credited with revolutionizing Chinese language music.

钱已由银行直接转帐入你的帐户。Money has been credited to your account by bank giro.

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富士贷记与发展这一概念。Fuji is credited with the development of this concept.

他来公司时已经载誉不少。He came to the firm already credited with many honours.

留声机的发明应归功于爱迪生。Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph.

卡德被视为了美国时尚先锋。McCardell is credited with pioneering the American look.

她把支票款项记入你的账户的贷方。She credited your account with the amount of the cheque.

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由于李娜的表现,网球运动在中国越来越受欢迎。Li Na has been credited with popularising tennis in China.

国家级高新技术开发区统一政策。Policy credited to national-level Hi-tech development zone.

他被认为是发明这项新印刷技术的人。He is credited with originating the new printing technology.