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这就是流行病学研究通常的做法That's how epidemiology is usually done.

流行病学研究是观察性研究Now the epidemiology studies are observational studies.

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总体来看,青岛地区流行的汉坦病毒以SEO型为主。SEO type was prevalent in hantavirus epidemiology in Qingdao.

同样很少的是对这种病毒的流行病学的了解。Similarly little is known about the epidemiology of the virus.

探讨了胆红素结石成石的现代研究机理。The literature study deals with the epidemiology of cholelithiasis.

大多数手足口病病例没有明确的流行学接触史。The majority of HFMD did not have demonstrable epidemiology history.

我们所知的大多数信息都是来自,传染病学研究The epidemiology studies are what a lot of our information comes from.

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蓓拉尔是牛津大学癌症流行病学小组的主任。Beral is director of the cancer epidemiology unit of Oxford University.

他们将此发现发布在了最近一期的流行病学杂志上。They report the finding in the latest issue of the journal Epidemiology.

方法采用现场流行病学、血清学调查的方法。Methods Field epidemiology and serologic investigation methods were used.

它可供进行大样本流行病学调查时应用。The system was fit for investigation about large samples of epidemiology.

一种是流行病学研究,另一种是干预性研究One are epidemiology studies and then the second are intervention studies.

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这是流行病学研究中的一个有趣的例子That's a little interesting anecdote about the epidemiology of these things.

1988年以来,郑州市持续开展了尘肺流行病学调查。Since 1988, we have carried on the epidemiology investigations of pneumoconiosis.

世卫组织将在流行病学和感染控制领域向乌干达卫生部提供支持。WHO will be supporting the MoH in the areas of epidemiology and infection control.

目的对海训青年战士下腰痛的流行病学进行调查。Objective To survey the epidemiology of low back pain of sea field training soldiers.

在结直肠癌高发国中其流行病学和影响是怎样的?What is the epidemiology and impact of colorectal cancer in high-incidence countries?

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这项成果今天在线发布在流行病学和社区卫生杂志上。The work is published online today in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

安志杰,张颖,左树岩,等。榆林市百日咳流行病学分析及相关危险因素研究。An ZJ, Zhang Y, Zuo SY, et al. Epidemiology of pertussis and related risk factors in Yulin.

我们曾相信狗不会攻击我们,但流行病学的研究破灭了这一想法。Epidemiology studies also undermine the desire to believe that Fido would never turn on us.