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作者最后对Volta做了简要总结The authors conclude that Volta

您是第一次来罗马吗?E la prima volta che viene a Roma?

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他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。Volta showed that this was not so.

他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。His compatriot Volta showed that this was not so.

Volta类库不支持多线程。The Volta libraries don't support multi-threading.

伏特成功制造出了一种简单电池。Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell.

伏尔塔动作,十字步,蒲月柱独不变点伏尔塔。Volta Movements, Criss Cross, Maypoe, Solo Spot Volat.

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意大利物理学家亚历山德罗。沃尔塔发明电池。First battery invented by Alessandro Volta , an Italian physicist.

微软解释了将Volta以“实验品”的形式发布的原因Microsoft explains their reasoning for releasing Volta as an "experiment" as

亚历山德罗传沃尔特的发明者第一次实际的电池于1880年。Biography of Alessandro Volta the inventor of the first practical battery in 1880.

沃尔塔成功地制造了简单的电池,这种电池就是现代电池的起源。Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell which is the parent of modern batteries.

此外Volta还提供了端到端的方法和快照功能,来帮助理解隔离效果Volta also provides end-to-end instrumentation and profiling capabilities that help understand the effects of partitioning

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新型无触点补偿式电力稳压器均采用双向晶闸管作为开关器件。All of the new-type non-contact compensated volta ge stabilizers use the double crystal brake tube as the switching device.

虽然在文章中,作者只是提到了如何将Volta应用到基于Web的Ajax类型应用和层剥离。Interestingly enough the authors have only detailed so far how to use Volta for Ajax-style Web based application and tier splitting.

加纳还在沃尔特湖建造河港,开辟内河航运网,但港口和航运设施不完备。Ghana is still constructing river port at lake volta to start inland river shipping. but the port and the shipping facilities are incomplete.

在当时,这条铁路是非洲有史以来第三大基础设施工程,紧次于埃及阿斯旺大坝及加纳沃尔特水库。At the time of its construction, it was the third-largest infrastructure project ever undertaken in Africa, after the Aswan Dam in Egypt and the Volta Dam in Ghana.

无论是作为普罗西斯还是个人,他们最终为许多乐队创造出了许多挑战大脑的图像,其中包括老派重金属乐队“齐柏林飞艇”、“谁人”,“创世纪”,及新派噪音摇滚乐队“火星沃尔塔”,“缪斯乐队”。As Hipgnosis or alone, they eventually created brain-teasing graphics for old-school heavyweights like Led Zeppelin, The Who and Genesis, and new-school noisemakers like The Mars Volta and Muse.

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通过MSIL重写技术,Volta将单层应用转化成一个多层应用,自动生成通信和序列化的例程。Through MSIL rewriting, Volta follows developer's declarations to turn a single-tiered application into a multi-tiered application, generating boilerplate code for communication and serialization.